It's summer- and that means we have time to READ! Let me know what you are currently reading, and what books you have completed. I have completed 4 books so far, including How to Ruin My Teenage Life by Simone Elkeles. Check this posting for my reviews and updates.
As you can see, I read all of Simone Elkeles books. I LOVED them- and Simone has been kind enough to email me after I finish each book. ;-) Aurelia was historical fiction mixed with mystery, romance, and DANGER [Riley, you would dig this book]. All 4 books- appropriate and very entertaining.
I just started Swoon- and so far, I like it a lot. I'll let you know my opinion as soon as I get farther along.
Happy reading!
Finished Swoon by Nina Malkin. To be truthful, it was strange. It's a high school read [11th and up] due to mature content. With so many good choices out there, I'd skip this one all together. Sorry Nina.
Okay- I am a reading MACHINE! I just finished Sea Change by AIMEE FRIEDMAN AND I LOVED IT! As soon as I'm done posting this comment, I am going to her website to see if and when there will be a sequel.
This is a great book for all of my girl readers. It's romantic with a bit of mystery... a must read for the summer.
Hehe... I am too!(a reading machine!) in less than two weeks of summer... I have finished- Vampire Diaries 2- loooveeeddd it!- Secret Circle 1 AND 2- Better than Vampire Diaries- and I have like 30 pgs of Vampire Diaries 3 left.... I am going to Barnes and Noble Tomorrow or Wednesday to BUY MORE BOOKS!! Woohoo! Read!! I probably will reach my goal of 15 books for the summer! YAY!- Gotta go- gonna finish Vampire Diaries 3! Talk to ya L8r!
Luv ya!
Lillie(Doodle as it says!)
Great job Lillie! I loved Secret Circle by L.J. Smith. They were far better than the Vampire Diaries books. Make sure you blog and tell me what you bought at B&N...
I LOVED Wings by Aprilynne Pike. It was sooooo good- and very entertaining. Actually, I couldn't put it down...I finished it in one day. ;-) I highly recommend it to all my big readers- you will thank me once you finish it.
I am currently reading The Immortal Fire, book 3 in The Cronus Chronicles by Anne Ursu. I LOVED books 1 & 2, in fact, if you're a Percy Jackson fan- you will love these books. Book 1 is called The Shadow Thieves and Book 2 is called The Siren Song. I cannot wait to see what happens in book 3... so gtgr [got2go read!].
Hey Mrs. Duncan, am I doing this book reading review thing incorrectly, because, like, I'm getting this weird vibe that when I sit down at the computer I should be doing more than just watching SNL skits. Is there more than reading to this review thing?Please reply.
Wow. That was way serious for me.
Hi Hayden! [Karl, read this comment]
Are you having a good summer? We are getting ready for a horse, so preparing the corral space is taking up some of my reading time! jk
I would like you to comment on this blog the following:
Book title and author
genre, # pages
Your opinion of the over-all plot and characters
Keep it short [did I say that?] and blog when you finish a book. BTW, do you need more books? Tommy finished the Icemark Chronicals and LOVED them. Let me know.
Serious looks good on you. Goofy and creative does too. You're a man of many talents [Hmmm, just like your dad?] ;-) xoxo
Hi Mrs. Duncan. I Finely got around to reading the twilight series( through eclipse so far) and they're pretty good but I don't see why everybody seemed to be so obsessed with them even now that they've been out for almost a year. Oh, did I ever get my reading list to you? I'm not sure...
Hey Jonas!
WOW- I'm so proud of you for reading THE series of the decade! ;-) Just for the record... my son really liked all of the books, although New Moon was his favorite. Warning- book 4 has "content". A little smooching- a lot of inference... but hey- it's a great read!
I brought your flash drive home from school. Ms. Haynes is planning on posting the recommendations next week. ;-) I will make sure to hang on to your drive for next year. Don't forget to blog after you read... see my comment to Hayden for the minimal requirements.
BOOHOO! You're not a 6th grader ! What will I do? ;-) xoxo Mrs. D.
Okay... all you Rick Riordan fans...listen up. You will LOVE the Anne Ursu books if you have not read them yet. I just finished Immortal Fire and it was really good. Ms. Ursu combines Greek mythology with unbelievable action...and a lot of humor, which I really liked in the Percy Jackson series. Books 1 & 2 are available in paperback..
I am currently re-reading Harry Potter 6 in anticipation of the movie release next week. I like to re-read...it reminds me of many plot points that I have forgotten about over time.
*** I just had contact with Cinda Chima and she is going to try and send us ARCs of Demon King! Oh yeah!!! ***
Okay, so I bought a bunch of books, and I just finished Blue Bloods, and before that, I finished the first Night World. Loved Both of them! I just started The Masquerade,(Blue Bloods) and It looks good so far! yay! Oh, and We need to meet up and swap books! (lol you said that in an email)
Nicely Done Jonas! lol, you are reading(or read) the Twilight Series! Yay!
Did you get my email?(Claudia Gray? She says Hi if you didn't get it- :)
I need to read the Dragon Heir Books! (they sound awesome, and I 4got what the first book is called :P and ummm... bye!)
§ Lillie! ♥♥♥♥ (Doodle)
Hey Lillie!
The 1st book of the Heir series is The Warrior Heir. I JUST got Cinda Chima's new ARC in the mail; she sent it to me herself! She's an amazing writer- you will love the series.
I bought Blue Moon, but haven't been able to read it yet. I am meeting Alyson Noel next week at Comic Con so I better get going!
I DID see your email from Claudia Gray! I blogged on her site and asked her to go to your blog. I am so glad she did. Alyson Noel also blogged on Courtney's web site. COOLIO!
Yay! Tell Alison Noel that I say Hi! I need to read the warrior heir, the problem is I'll be in Washington State for the next 10 days, so I can't get it! grrr...
I'm also Almost done with Masquerade, and My friend has my copy of Revelations, so I won't have anything to read over in WA! Maybe I could bring the second Night World...
Well after I get back, we need to meet up and trade books!
Although I am in Washington, I have been reading A LOT!!! I finished Masquerade and Revelations, and I can't wait for the next one!!!
I saw Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince a few days ago, and I thought it was alright. My cousin gave me the first HP book, and I read it so fast!!! Loved It! (that was like three days ago) I got the second one yesterday and finished it just a few minutes ago! I love the HP books, and I have the third in my lap right now- can't wait to start it!
How was Comic-con? When I get back to California, I'm coming over to your house right after I get home to get Blue Moon and a bunch of the other books!(Warrior Heir, all those)- or I just might go to Barnes and Noble on the way home from the airport!
~ Lillie ~
P.S. I saw the book cover to Darklight on your blog- has it come out yet? If it has I REALLY need it!!! If it hasn't, do you know when it comes out?
Hii everyone!!!! I haven't posted on here since like 6th grade and now I'm in 8th!!!
Anyway, I have actually been re-reading all the Harry Potter books! Partly for the movie but partly because they're awesome. I have also been reading Woodland Dancing and want to start on the new Fablehaven book but I'm on a Harry Potter streak so that might be hard!
So Mrs. Duncan you read Immortal Fire? Was it good? I bet you'll have a bunch of great new books for me when we go back!!
See you at school!
Ooh ooh Mrs. Duncan!
You know what YOUUU should read.
Stealing Heaven by Elizabeth Scott.
As well as Something, Maybe by the same author.
Also, have you read Eyes Like Stars? Because I haven't and I'd like to hear a review. :D
I miss youuuu. We need to stay in touch about awesome books.
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