FYI: At the end of audiobook 10 there is a special interview with D.J., and I was fortunate enough to write the questions that they asked! We will be getting a copy soon...and I can't wait to hear his answers! Check this posting for a complete listing of the questions!
Questions for D.J. MacHale
Now that you are finished with the Pendragon series, do you feel that Bobby’s story is truly over? Or did you leave any openings to write another adventure with Bobby and the travelers in the future?
Bobby Pendragon’s character showed both strengths and weaknesses throughout the series. Did you feel that he needed both traits to be a realistic role model for the kids that read these books?
If you could go back and change one thing in any of the books, what would it be and why?
You mentioned that you mapped out all 10 books before you even started Book 1. How closely did you follow that outline, and if you made significant changes, what were the parts that you changed?
What plans do you have now that the Pendragon series is complete? Will you work on another series, and if so, can you tell us a little about it?
Did you write any chapters that you did not include?
After writing about characters like Bobby and Courtney for so long, you must have developed a special relationship with them. Will you miss them, and will it be hard not to write about them anymore?
The Pendragon series is for Young Readers. What category will your next book be classified, and would you ever consider writing books for Young Adult or Children?
Out of all the characters you developed throughout the Pendragon series, which one is your favorite and why?
Where did you come up with the idea for flumes…Halla…and travelers? Were these ideas inspired by something from your childhood?
Would you ever consider writing another show for TV? Or do you see yourself focusing on books and novels for now?
Here is my email to D.J. and his response today...Pendragon 10 Day!
From D.J.:
Thanks Beth. Give my best to all your kids!
I met a Vista Academy mom at the San Diego Children's Book Festival last weekend. We gushed about the school.
May 12, 2009 02:41:09 PM, BethDuncan wrote:
Congratulations on Penn 10 release day! I drove over to Barnes & Noble during my lunch hour to buy 8 copies. My students were waiting for me
[well, not for me... for the books] at the gate! We are all so excited, and I'm sure many of us will be on "book restriction" for reading past our bedtime!
Just wanted to let you know we are thinking about you.
Hi everybody. Unlike you, I finished. Three days? Can anybody beat that. I'm not speaking to you Jonas M. You probably didn't read it, you just inhaled so that you knew the story with five minutes. Do you do anything else besides read? You know, maybe sleep, or eat, go to school, and all that, and all that? But anyway, I thought I 'd share everything that you'd want to know about the book. That's right. E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. From A-Z, from Bobby to Saint Dane, from Denduron to Third Earth, all the secrets, who dies, who lives, ALL OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SPOILER ALERT: Coming soon.
Read it. You can't stop. l know you want to.
Read. Now.
Wy can't I spoil it for yoU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Curse you duncansbookblogs!!!!!!!! Oay, let me try the biggest secret of all is ***** ** **** ******. ******* ****** ** * **** ****** ****** ****** **. ********** ** ** ******* *** ** *** *** *. *** ***** *** *******.
Oh well. You have to read it. My rebellious act all for naught.
Mrs. Duncan, for some reason I haven't heard much about this series. I'm going to check it out for my soon-to-be 7th grade son. Thanks for posting about it!
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