Are you ready for some serious excitement?
Welcome to 6th grade, and welcome to Duncan's Book Blog!
Those of you that are new bloggers, introduce yourself and let me know a little bit about your reading interests and habits.
If you are a return blogger, welcome our new Bulldogs!
Oh you bet folks. Hi, I'm Hayden Royster, and I will be your official blogger. Guy. Thing. Guide. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaanyway, I just thought I'd let it be known that blogging is an art form, and if you are considering it for a major, then find me, or my blog. Also, be free to express yourselves in anyway you see fit. Such as, you feel the need to type random letters, then do so. Write a song. Speak about random things. Whatever floats your blogging boat.
And if, somehow, you ever get bored with talking about books (silly, who in their right mind would ever do that?), head on over to my blog, where not only to we talk about books, we talk about everything else too. It has to be the most random thing on this blog. Seriously. And I'm really not as serious on the blog as it seems in the introduction. I'm crazygonuts. I just need to seem offical. So, yes, the 08 is gonna be great. But where would you be without me? Because I am the Spirit of the Blog. Have a bloggin' good time.
NOTE TO ALL PEOPLE WHO ARE NOW SEVENTH GRADERS: 1st again. Beat me. Or bite me. Whichever comes first.
Go to Rancho, children, because Rancho is where the stampedes go. And Hayden's dad teaches there. Who I'm going to have to drop by and see.
So I heard Academy Voices people are singing at 8. That is NOT COOL. And 8th graders have PE 6th period. That just sucks, seriously. I'm going to come back in a few weeks when I have my act together and hug anyone who needs one.
Hunter Stewart. I don't know if you even use this blog. Do not attempt to play Seasons of Love until you know the whole song, which I will teach you accordingly. Then, sir, will I allow you to steal my job.
So how's it goin' back at VAPA?
Oh--oh, oh, yeah! WELCOME, NEW BULLDOGS!
This is a blog. Hayden...pretty muchly explained blogging above. Uh, but I haven't introduced myself (and I may just be completely making a fool of myself anyway, since none of you may even come), but I'm Allie. I'm in 9th grade, currently going to school at RBVHS, totally prepared for Honors English 9 by Mrs. Duncan and the other English teachers here at VAPA. And everything else, to be honest--a special note to seventh and eighth graders, as much as it pains me to say this, listen to what Mrs. Colclough whips your butts about, because I caught myself writing PEMDAS and "parentheses around stuff on a fraction" yesterday. I am an official blogger, too, though it may not seem that way because I'm now going to be drowning in piles of HOMEWORK. Hayden's more official than me anyway. I don't care, really.
I MISS you! Your paper was AMAAAZZZING! Can I print it up and share it with Mrs. W8? She will love it too.
Okay- books. Girl, I just got another package- this time from Hyperion [Disney] Publishing. Almost ALL of the books look like YA reads, probably 8-9-10-11 grade and so on. Can I send a few home with Mr. Blog? You can read and let me know what you think. I'll post the titles tomorrow because I left them at school.
xoxo Bed time for this teacher! xoxoxo
ABSOLUTELY THAT WOULD BE GREAT. For both things, the books and the paper. Still haven't gotten it back, but I'm a-hoping.
My history teacher is AMAZING. You guys would love him. Mr. Bauer. So awesome.
Mrs. Duncan, I wish you taught here, because my English teacher, though she is nice, pales in comparison to all of my previous VAPA English teachers.
Here is the link for the partial draft for Stephenie Meyer's Midnight Sun. Unfortunately, someone got it and distributed it illegally, and as you can imagine, Stephenie is crushed.
The draft she has linked is amazing. I hope that we can write to her and let her know that we love her writing, and we all want to see her finish the book. As of right now, it seems like she will not complete it.
If you want to write her a note, put it on this blog, and I will copy & paste it to her publicist. I will do the same.
More complete info is available on her Twilight website.
Thanks for your comment on my blog. I wrote that post months ago. I'm totally fine now--or at least much better. :)
Peace and blessings!
News from Katherine Marsh: author of The Night Tourist and The Twilight Prisoner
Dear Teachers, Librarians, and Friends--
I just want to personally let you know that as of September 2, The Night Tourist paperback became available in stores and online for a school-friendly price. The book won the Edgar Award for Best Juvenile Mystery this year and the sequel, The Twilight Prisoner, will be coming out in April. It features a modern day take on the Persephone
myth, a true mystery about Central Park and, of course, Jack and Euri.
The Night Tourist is full of mythology, history and poetry--subjects that can inspire and excite students and young readers.
In addition, my website www.katherinemarsh.com now contains a new section called Night Tourist Secrets that features more stories and photos of the
real places and people in the book. Several of you requested this for your kids and I think you'll enjoy checking it out. There are also two teachers' guides for the book, including one on my site and one on the Hyperion site--both by reading specialists.
Thank you for your support thus far and, I hope that, as fans of the book, you continue to spread word of it to your students and colleagues.
Best Wishes,
Katherine Marsh
I just really want Mrs. Marsh to know that. Night Tourist deserved every award it got, it's undoubtedly one of my favorites.
I MISS YOU! I hope you are enjoying high school. We need to get together soon and talk plot.
xoxo Mrs. D.
ACK YOU'RE RIGHT. I miss you. And your DAUGHTERS. How's seventh grade turning out for them?
And you, Hayden? Why has your lovely blog we worked so hard on been empty lately?
Hi Mrs. Duncan,
I hope your school year is off to a great start.
Heidi Shimamoto
Hey folks, this is Jonas, Matt, and Jesse. Brisngr is and is going to be awesome!
hi i Iike sayingg peanutbutter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi i Iike sayingg peanutbutter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey everyone this is Tommy. I read some sweet books over the summer, here are some titles. I loves the Sabriel book by Garth Nix. I also loved the new pendragon book!
Who doesn't like saying "PEANUTBUTTERRR?" I just tried and loved it. Like, shabam.
OHEY, Tommy! I don't get to talk to you much, do I? How are you? (I hope you're Tommy Duncan--if you're not, don't hesitate to say so. I don't want to, like, scare you off by thinking I'm a pervert or something.)
Stephenie Meyer on The Hunger Games:
People often ask me for reading suggestions, and I'm always happy to share because books are exciting things to me. My latest excitement is this: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. I was so obsessed with this book I had to take it with me out to dinner and hide it under the edge of the table so I wouldn't have to stop reading. The story kept me up for several nights in a row, because even after I was finished, I just lay in bed wide awake thinking about it. I've been recommending it to total strangers in Target. And now to everyone who reads my website. The Hunger Games is amazing.
As soon as I'm finished with Graced, I'm starting The Hunger Games. I'm also off to Barnes and Noble today to get Brisingr... can't wait for that!
So many books, so little time!
WOAH THAT SOUNDS INTERESTING. I just looked it up on Barnesandnoble.com. Most people rated it five stars.
Oh, and anybody who happens to read this on Saturday the 20th--40% of proceeds at Barnes & Noble go to RBV drama. :D SUPPORT!
Hunger Games is sooooo interesting! It's very intense, fresh, captivating... I love it so far! Allie- Hayden bought a copy- so make sure he loans it to you when he's done.
xoxoxo We so need to catch up. I wish I had a life! ;-)
Wait, a life? Referring to...? Something Katie may have told you...?
Woah, this is a ghost blog.
I'm in need of Duncan communication. Any Duncan out thar?
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