Breaking Dawn Predictions and Fan Fiction:
Will he, will she? Hot or cold, heartbeat or hollow? Fangs or fur?
What do you think is going to happen with Bella and Edward in Breaking Dawn? Will Jacob imprint, and if so, who is the destined one? How can Edward change Bella into something that he hates about himself?
Share your thoughts, favorite quotes, and opinions on Breaking Dawn. Also, change up what you know from the first 3 books. What would have happen if Edward wouldn't have left Bella in New Moon? What if Jacob immediately imprinted on Bella in Twilight?
Okay- let's talk cover art. What do the chess pieces mean? Color, size, and position on the page?
Oh, look, it's me!
I've wondered about that, too, Mrs. Duncan. Each of the covers is symbolic somehow, this must be, too. I mean, no one would really be able to predict what it means just by looking at it and not reading the book, but still. I was kind of thinking...white could stand for purity, but it could also stand for cold--namely, Edward. And red, Jacob? He's warm-blooded (not hot, I didn't say hot, Edward's the hot one, not the other way around, ew), not to mention he's the one who is constantly at Edward, wanting to kill him for stealing the girl that should be his and all that.
And then the white piece could be Bella, which is more likely. She's pure now, but what of when she's bitten? (She better be.) There's always that lingering thought of blood (which is red) in the back of her mind.
Stephenie Meyer, stop keeping secrets. What do you think?
Okay- here's a confession: I don't play chess. I don't know much about it, but I think the white piece on the cover is the queen? And the small red piece is a pawn?
For me, white represents Bella, purity, power, and choice. She is in the front, in focus, her ultimate choice needs to be made [and not talked about], and all eyes are on her.
In the background, blurred- is the pawn. Red, of course, stands for blood, but is it blood for Edward, or Jacob's red, warm blood? Both are in love with her, so I think the pawn represents both Edward and Jacob. There is only one because, ultimately, Bella can only have one [darn it!]. That means one is missing. I want it to be Edward.
I have to tell you that I cannot WAIT until August 1st at 10:00 P.M. Here's my prediction for Breaking Dawn Plot:
* Bella and Edward set a date to marry
* Jacob imprints on someone else [Bella realizes that she still loves Jacob- and Edward, at the same time].
* The girl that Jacob imprints is someone close to Bella- Bella doesn't like the competition.
* Edward is reacquainted with old vamp chicks and Bella doesn't like it.
* The creepy Voltaire dude seeks out Bella.
*Edward and Jacob fight one another to save Bella
I don't know! I do think that Edward and Bella marry, but before the wedding night, bad vamps will come for her.
What do you think?
You know, forget all the guessing. I know. I'm writing the story. I have the story on my blog, first chapter. And the red represents- well, after reading my story, it takes on a whole new meaning. So please, read Breaking Dawn: Hayden Royster style.
Note: I do not care if some of the vital plot details are wrong. It is my fiction. Like it.
Ooh...vamp chicks? I hadn't thought about what would happen if the Cullens went back to Tanya and all those females. What a lovely premise. *evil grin* I love jealousy, jealousy makes everything better. It just DOES.
What if some Volturi dude interrupted the wedding? Hmm. That would also provide scope for awesomeness.
Hayden, would you mind very much if I write a spin-off of your story? And post it on your blog? Something THAT awesome deserves a chapter two. Dad stared at me for a full minute while I laughed hysterically at your fanfiction.
Put your fanfiction here... so we can find it!
BTW- I went to Comic-Con on Friday... and I got Twilight movie posters and trading cards! I have some small ones to give away... anyone interested? ;-)
I also met DJ MacHale [Pendragon author]: he's amazing! I'll post the pic of the two of us somewhere on the site. He said he would come to our school...oh yeah!
If you're interested, I also met Randy Couture...from the Scorpion King 2. He's buff- and really nice. Unfortunately I cannot bring the signed poster into my classroom because it has some grils wearing-well, not enough. It was fun to meet him though!
*We stood in line for 35 minutes to take a picture with Eric Estrada- the star of CHIPS [from when I was a kid] We got to the front of the line and they told us it would cost us $20.00 to take a picture with him. Right! I felt kinda bad because he watched us leave. Oh well.
Hayden and Allie- put your chapters here and I'll save you a Twilight poster. [Hayden- I know you're jumping up and down... try and stay calm!].
August 1st... Breaking Dawn Party. 10:00 PM, B&N O'side. Be there or beware!
I Hope that it is alright for me to post here. I was just wondering if anyone is really going to wear a "prom" dress to the Breaking Dawn release. I don't have a "prom dress" but I have several dress that are not that fancy. I was just curious.
Hi Denise,
Lisa, the manager in charge of the event said yes, people can wear prom dresses! There will be a lot of contests, and the prizes are cool [Movie posters, Breaking Dawn T-shirts, B&N gift certificates...]. Mrs. Waite and I are making T-shirts, so no prom dresses for us.
It's going to be a blast! I can't wait. Are you coming? Say hi to Chloe for me.
;-) Mrs. D.
You're. Not. Serious. *deep breaths* I am seriously getting dizzy--it's like Edward just breathed in my face right now, I can barely concentrate on the screen DO YOU HAVE EXTRAS TO SPARE?
My head's clearing now, I can breathe better. Prom dresses? Maaaaybeee. Though I've nothing really prommy...maybe my 8th Grade Dance dress. It's pretty enough. In fact, I kind of love it. *shrug* I'll post my Chapter Two of Hayden's Awesome Story when he gives me the OK to write it. Wherever the heck he is right now. *death glare* I WANT TO WRITE.
Stinks that they'd make you pay to take pictures with Eric Estrada. They should be glad the fans are lining up...and he's a movie star, man, he's got other ways to earn twenty bucks...though that's just my opinion. Nothing against the guy. Though I've never actually seen him.
My cousins came over today and Matthew told me his summer reading book for his high school in LA was Pendragon. LUCKY. I had to read the Peruvian bridge book. D:
So Katie was telling me today that they have a Bella/Edward kiss up on YouTube. I think I've been searching for it for thirty minutes now. Do you by any chance have a link? Sorry to gross out anybody who doesn't like the idea of someone searching for a half hour just to find one teeny kiss, but you know what? Too bad.
<3 BellaEdward.
Hey Mrs Duncan
Yes I am planning on coming, I can not wait.
Since you compared the moment of getting a Twilight poster to Edward breathing in your face [which, for whatever reason I find that extremely amazing- PLEASE Edward, breathe in MY face!} you can have a poster. I would have given you one just because you deserve it...and I love ya! You're my book babe, my Twilight fanatic... and an all-around BABE. <3
Eric Estrada was a bummer. I was so annoyed when I realized we had to pay to get his autograph. I mean, meeting DJ MacHale was free! He is so now, and Eric is... well..ancient. You know you're living in the past when there are stacks of black and white pictures from the '80s, also for sale for $20.00.
Breaking Dawn party is FRIDAY. I can't wait to get my hands on that book. Speaking of books, you will really like the ones I just got; they are all ARCs- YA titles. If I get a chance I'll list them on this posting tomorrow, k? I need to go and read... Artemis is calling to me.
xoxo Mrs. D.
Hi Everyone,
The Breaking Dawn release party. I wish I could come, but I can't. Allie, you WILL tell me all about it, right?
Don't know if any of you know, but Stephenie Myer is to speak at UCLA sometime this week. I don't know when, but it is in the Royce Hall, and you have to buy tickets. It should be online somewhere.
The cover of the book. I don't know much about the symbolism, but Chess is a game of dominating power. It could mean the Volturi, over all the vampires, or Jacob and Edward over Bella. Red and white are also the colors of love, and black (chessboard) is the color of loneliness. Just my thoughts.
Does anyone have any idea of a good book for me to read? We have a month of summer left, and I need a few books.
Allie, I emailed you back about registration.
Talk to you all later!
I know the Royce Hall event is sold out but they are going to have a live feed online check this website
I have a lot of books to loan...maybe we could connect? I would be willing to come to you and drop them off. I could see your mom and brother too...sounds like a great deal to me! Here are the ARCs I received if you want to check them out online. If any look good, let me know.
Daylight Runner by Oisin McGann
The Diamond of Darkhold by Jeanne DuPrau [the 4th book of Ember]
Discordia by Dena K. Salmon
The Tommorow Code by Brian Falkner
The Devil's Breath by David Gilman
I am reading the newest Artemis Fowl book and I will be done with it soon.
Give hugs to your family for me, okay? Do the worm for Nikhil and tell him I miss him! ;-)
xoxo Mrs. D.
Stephenie Meyer will be on Good Morning America tomorrow. Check it out. ABC 7am-10am
Hey! Sorry I was gonna get on sooner but my Internet didn't work and then my brother took over the computer! Grr!
I like the cover and uh I LOVE the host hehe. I wonder what the cover of Breaking Dawn means? I think it might mean that chess is a strategy game and so is Bella's life. So maybe.......Anyway I am so excited for the Breaking Dawn party tomorrow and I still have to read 500 pages of the Host by tomorrow night.
Elora, daaaahling. Haven't heard from you in a while. :D How are you?
Yes, Yoda, I KNOW your little stunt with the registration...darn you. I'll see you there, then, I suppose. You're lucky I'm nice enough to tell you about the party. xD
Mrs. Duncan, the ARCs look FANTASTIC. I need to get you and the girls over again sometime to swim...before the summer is over. D: I can't believe it almost is. And I have an imperialism essay to write. And maps. Two maps. Darn everything.
I saw Steph on Good Morning America this morning! Apparently her husband isn't jealous of Edward. Though I've absolutely no idea how he isn't. Something to do with being real...but that's no excuse. Edward wins, period.
It's a no on the prom dresses for me, thanks. I'm wearing a TWILIGHT SHIRT INSTEAD. "Edward Cullen: Pwning Jacob Black since 1901." Heck. Yes.
Life is good, I won't sleep at all tomorrow, and waiting for me when I get home will be a recorded performance of RENT. I guess I deserve a taste of slight heaven before I'm thrown into high school heck.
I would just like to say that Hot Topic carries Twilight T-shirts. So to all you people who thought it was pure evil it isn't, they carry Twilight. I just thought I should give you all this piece of knowledge.
Good day my friends, good day.
I finished it.
No, duh, X.
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