PJ Haarsma is coming to our school on June 6, 2008!
Make sure to read both of Mr. Haarsma's amazing books Virus on Orbis and Betrayal on Orbis 2 before June 6th. PJ will come to our school and present to our 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students. He will also come to Barnes and Noble that evening for our
Pages and Pjs with PJ fundraiser event from 5-8 P.M.
June 6th @ O'side Barnes and Noble
He will be signing books, so have yours ready! Barnes and Noble will have plenty on hand that evening for you to purchase.
Blog: What questions might you ask Mr. Haarsma? What do you want to know about becoming a successful writer and web designer? Blog on this post and I'll see if Mr. Haarsma can answer some of your questions right on this blog. ;-)
Oh, my snap. I cannot stop blogging first. This power... it's too great for one man. I just keep doing this. First the Dogblog. Then the world. I should write a book. "Dr. Royster and Mr. Blog."
It was a dark and story night. Rain pattered against the windowsill or Hayden Royster's home. He sat at his computer, typing furiously. He suddenly twitched. He body began convulsing, and he slammed to the ground. The lights flickered and then went out. Then, like some creature driven straight from the lunch line at school, a hideous scream erupted from Hayden, and he began to change, to grow, until he became a beast, a monster unlike the world had ever known.
So began the vicious and unearthly tale of Dr. Royster and Mr. Blog.
Yeah. So Pages and PJs with PJ who might even be wearing Pjs, huh? Well, if I had one question I would ask him, it would probably be... Do you like David Cook or David Archuletta on American Idol( see Hayden's blog for details)?
Joking. Gosh. No, I'd ask, Where did you get the ideas for Rings of Orbis, and, How do you find a good editor?
I can't wait to meet him. I thin I left my first Rings of Orbis book at my mom's classroom. I'm all wacked out. I gotta read but what??? AHHHHHHH!
Hey PJ! I have a question for you. How are you so creative? How long does it take to write one of the Orbis books? When is the next book coming out?
How did you come up with the idea of the Rings of Orbis? I hope to see you at school
Hey P.J. this is Megan. I have read all your books but my favorite has to be the Orbis series. The way you write, the way you express the characters feelings is amazing. I was wondering when is the 3rd Orbis book coming out??? Well this has been a nice chat with you, please write back.
when is the next orbis book coming out?!?!?!?!?!?!? I liked the other books so much, I am starting to like reading. WHEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi everyone, this is PJ.
I'm thrilled that you're enjoying The Softwire books and the Rings of Orbis game! Thank you.
Book 3, Wormhole Pirates on Orbis 3, comes out next March and the fourth book, Awakening on Orbis 4, comes out the following year. I've finished both books and they're sitting with the publisher right now.
It took me about a year to write the first book in the series and only 3 months to write the last one. I was actually sad when I finished with the fourth book. As for, "where did I get my idea for The Softwire", I'll save that answer for my school visit.
I can't wait to meet everyone!
PJ Haarsma
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