Road Trip to LA to meet the amazing
Cassandra Clare
Driving to LA last week to meet Ms. Clare was a fantastic experience. She talked with us about writing, how she develops plot and sub-plot, and how she plans to finish up her exciting series with City of Glass. Check out our Rune t-shirts that we made- they are awesome! Cassie also signed our books and gave us chapter one of City of Glass. AMAZING!
Blog: What book have you selected for your Team Time project? What is your opinion of the plot so far? What are you thinking about doing for your project [movie, tri-fold board, video book report, talk show...]? Make sure to include book title, author, genre, and characters that you know so far.
In my team time book group is Troy, Tanner, and of course me. The book thatt we are doing is The Candy Shop War by Brandon Mull. The book so far is amazing, and has weird but cool secrets to the candy. It's about four kids, Nate, Trevor, Pigeon, and Summer, meet the new owner(Mrs. White)of the new candy shoppe and find out magical secrets of Mrs. White's candy. I hope Mrs. Duncan doesnt kill me because i forgot what genre means =(. Oh, and I bet Delila (sorry if I spelled that wrong delila) would really like Casandra Clare.
P.S. Mrs. Duncan i want one of those COOL T-shirts.
P.S.S. I wonder what it would look like if u did a happy face haha.
Hey folks it's great to be back here in Bloggintown, USA. What's the deal with airplane peanuts?
Well. I'm-a readin', or was-a reading, I finished it a long time ago, Queste, the new Septimus Heap book, with Megan Duncan as my partner in crime, and I gotta tell you, this movie mught be a feature legh film, every little detail is imporatant. So Mrs. Duncan, maybe you could do me a favor and do some of you famous contacting magic to tell some movie company that you have some students who have made an Academy Award winner, and give us a few thousand bucks, and will give them a copy of the disc. So be ready guys for Queste: The Movie. Blockbuster for sure.
I'm reading Uglies by Scott Westerfield. My group is Elora, Lexi, and ME!!!
I'm on page 260ish. I think.….
It's really good. I can't wait to finish it! I want to know i she is going to stay at the Smoke or open the pendent and become PRETTY!
Do you know if the cover is a picture of Shay or Tally?? I think she is sort of pretty!
P.S. When are we going to find out who won the folder contest or are we going to decide in class!?!!
P.S.S. I WANT TO WIN!!! Because I think mine is good!
P.P.S.S. (Quinn)
My group (Hannah, Courtney, Erin and ME) is doing The Faerie Path by Frewin Jones. Oh my gosh, it has so, so, so, so, so, so many similies. We are almost finished with it, and it is a page-turning, on-the-edge-of-your-seat, thirsting-for-more,wondering-what's-going-to-happen-
next,fantastic book. A little odd and confusing at some parts, but fantastic. I can't wait to read the other books in the series.
Talk to you later!
P.S. I want to know which folder won!
Quincey- I think the girl on the cover is Tallywa :-) I thought she was pretty too. Let me know when you have finished the book so we can talk plot!
Cristina- I loved The Faerie Path too! The second book is great- but you'll have to ask Megan about book 3. We have both books, so you can borrow them as soon as you are ready!
Congratulations to The Warrior Heir- winner of the WOW folder contest. It's Golden Spoon on Friday- yeah baby!
My team time book is The Warrior Heir. It involves me, Chase, Mathew, (sorry if I spelled that wrong) Hernan, (that too) and Jake. Sorry I couldn't go to Golden Spoon, I forgot. Also, on the good side, I am on The Dragon Heir!!!!!!
Sorry about the overuse of exclamation points. Sometimes I just overreact.
If this blog doesn't turn up, please send to charliechickenboy at Duncan's Book Blogs.
I WAS reading Uglies by Scott Westerfield. It was amazing! Quincey and Lexi are in my group. Is that Shay or Tally on the cover because it looks like a pretty instead of a ugly, so I do not know.
Hey it's Lexus I WAS reading Uglies also, and as Quincey and Elora said I'm in their group. we already filmed the movie... we just have to edit it, finish a commercial and cut out the parts that we messed up on to make BLOOPERS!!!!!! the only thing is......... they aren't bloopers, they're like arranged bloopers..... almost like extras but we just cal them bloopers!!!
My team time group is me (Chloe) and KATIE!!!! We read the book National Velvet and it was very good. We chose to do a movie which is taking a while. When we were filming we had to do a lot of re-takes because some of some one (Katie) but she is lucky that I am not going to say her name! Hee Hee! The main characters are Velvet Brown, Mi Taylor, and of course The Pie (he is the horse). I would recommend this book to every one, even Hayden. I think that you would all like it but you have to read it to find out! Well best be going now. Oh and don't just put it down because the beginning is slow the ending will blow your mind. It is suspenseful and it keeps you on the edge of your seat until you move to the middle of it.
P.S. You really should read this book and remember what I said the edge of your seat! :-)
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