Are you ready for a new book to read, but you don't have one? Here's your chance to advertise for a new book.
If you have just finished an amazing read, one that you're willing to swap, post the title, author, and brief synopsis on this blog. Any interested students will respond to your post and commit to bringing in a book to swap. Make sure to write your name inside the book so you get it back.
I just finished Peter and the Shadow Theifs. I was fantastic.
This book is a sequal to Peter and the Starcatchers wich I also have and is great.
In Peter and the Shadow Theifs Peter returns to England to help Molly and the starcatcher once again. This time the others have a much more powerful person, thing on their side. Will the others be defeated or will the starcatcher loose the larges amount of starstuff found on the earth?
Hey Courtney- Are you feeling better? We missed you today.
I have Peter and the Secrets of Rundoon in the room right now! If you bring in book two, I'll swap you for book 3. Deal? Book 3 is wonderful- and it keeps you under its spell until you finish it!
See you tomorrow! xoxo Mrs. D.
I feel so secluded in the blog. Two people, my teacher and another classmate. At least right now.
So peoples, I finished Freak the Mighty, and I got to tell you, and Mrs. Duncan, if you wish , since you introduced it to me, you may ignore every word, this book will have you cheering along for the team of Max, very tall, not to brainy, and Freak, not too tall, very brainy, as they become an unbreakable team of Freak the Mighty. Ahh, it is avaliant tale. Much like Cow Kid's. Especially in episode # 23 when he fights againgst the Mad Monkey from Kentucky. Oh, what a battle.
Hi its Katie, I just started The Night Tourist and i am on page 4 and I already have questions.
I want to now a scafolding fell on his mother when they are so big and heavy even if there is a lot of wind. So that means I am so excied to read more. Haden what is your fav book? I'll tell you if I havent read it and then mabye I can borrow it. Bye peeps.
I just finished reading Uglies! It's so good!Nothing like I have ever read, but in a good way! If any body needs it I have it!
"Beauty is that Medusa's head Which men go armed to seek and sever.It is most deadly whenmost dead,And dead will stare and sting forever."-Archibald Macleish,"Beauty"
Im reading the fourth Harry Potter book ( The Goblet of Fire) and it is FANTASTIC. The whole series is FANTASTIC. I totally reccommend it to ANYONE. If you are interested, go to the school or public library.
Just to tell you its Janelle.
Hey everyone!! It's Sydney. Janelle I was wondering if after you read Harry Potter series read The Night Tourist I've never read it, but I know it's good!
I was wondering if after I finish the Uglies series I am dying to read The Night Tourist!Oh and I really recomened the Uglies series! See you guys later!
I just finished Vampire kisses...
It’s a girly vampire book but it’s amazing.
Vampire Kisses is about Raven who desperately wants to be a vampire. Then she meets Alexander, who according to the town’s gossip is a vampire. As she gets closer to him she learns more and more about him and the more she wants to believe he is a vampire.
I just finished nobody's princess. It is an amazing book. It's about a girl named Helen she is a princess that has a lot of fun adventures. Througout the book it talks about gods and goddess', but besides that its great! I recommend to all the girls and the adventures don't stop there because the sequel, nobody's prize just came out.
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