Are YOU ready for school, ready for work... and ready to READ?
3 weeks of vacation...sleeping in...cartoons until noon...sound familiar? So how did reading fit into your vacation schedule? Did you find yourself tied to an amazing plot? Were you mesmerized, drooling, and unable to put down your book until the very last page? Were any of your break books worth "Book Restriction"? Enough questions- let's talk blog. I want to know the answers to the following questions:
1. How much time did you dedicate to reading?
2. Did you visit Barnes and Noble or the library for new books?
3. Did you surf the Net for book ideas/new releases/links to authors?
4. # books read these past 3 weeks [Be honest ;-)]
5. The BEST read from vacation...and give us details! Talk Plot!
Here are my answers. Remember- I try to lead by example, so I do my homework too!
1. I dedicated a lot of time to reading these past 3 weeks. I read every day, with the exception of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
2. I LOVE Barnes and Noble! I went 3 times and bought too many books. I also visited Jamba Juice and had my favorite Orange Dream Machine [A little reading~a little snackie]! The good news is that I read all but 3 of the books I bought. I have 3 days left though, so watch out!
3. One of my "Teacher-to-Do" list items included contacting publishers and authors searching for opportunities for our Recommended Read program. I contacted 4 different publishers and 2 authors. :-) I blogged on a website dedicated to teen reads [they have no idea I'm old! haha] and wrote down a list of HOT new reads out in January.
4. To date [Drum roll please....] I have read 10 books [plus 1 re-read so it's actually 11]. Just so that you think I'm not crazy- I don't watch T.V., reading is so much better! I'm just starting The Luxe by Anna Godbersen. It looks good- I'll let you know!
5. Best book that I've read has to be City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare. It was so so so good, although I cannot elaborate on the plot just yet. Since this was an Advanced Reader Copy [ARC], revealing any plot secrets would be totally uncool. Once the book is published, I'll tell you why I loved it. ;-) It's a blog rain check!
Let's call it a draw, okay? ;-) I would love to take you out to lunch next week to celebrate our "Book Geek" status. I don't want your kid responsibilities to suffer- that hill in your backyard needs you! Plus, your need to remember that I have read for 36+ years... so I have a Geek edge on you.
I can't wait to hear about all of the books you have read. Let me know what day works for you... Thursday is best for me.
Mrs. D.
One word Mrs. Duncan. Zoom ! How about- Tuesday? Wednesday? Whydo we spell Wednesday like that? I have to do a mental check to spell it. And Friday, I go to NAMM with Zoom, which should be fun. An Mrs. duncan our hill doing just fine. He's recovering quite well from my dad falling on him and cutting his hand open in our neighborhood wide game of " Kick the Can." And a couple of days ago hegot his poor gravel worked to the bone from Hunter Stewart, Kaylee, Sarah Evans ( Jerimiahs sister) and My rousing rediton of Hide and Seek in neighbor's yards. And my new bike riding over him... He's a tough old hill, but he's nedded a new road on him for 7 years, but he'll survive.
And Maybe next week would be best.
Mr. R (%
Wednesday. It's a date. Next time you play "Kick the Can" let me know. I OWN that game. I can be a bit competitive at times, so I apologize in advance for any extreme behavior! ;-)
By the way, I finished another book. It was great, but it is a high school read. I read late at night, which will have to stop once we go back to school. Oh well... ;-)
Have a great weekend Mr. Royster. Go Chargers!
;-) Mrs. D.
On summer vacation, i wish i read more books. I mean I read 2, but I could of read more. In other news, I found a great new series. It's the Dive series by Gordon Korman. He also written other great trilogies like, Island, and Everest. I've read Everest and think thats another great series but, i dont know if im gonna read island.
- <(*:*)>
Ooops!!! I actidently made a grammer error!!!! I should of wrote wrote but I wrote written, and I wrote a lower case I like this I, (i). Man that a lot of wrote's and I's. Ooops!!!
- <(*:*)>
I've heard good things about the Dive series. Are they total "Boy Reads?" Let me know, and with your recommendation, I'll give them a try.
Oh yeah...
Thank you for correcting your grammar Quinn. Honest to the end... I love it! I love your hat too- totally cool! ;-) Mrs. D.
Ahoy me mateys, and Quinn, welcome aboard U.S.S. DuncanBlogspot. Okay, I'll drop the pirate lingo, though any scurvy dog who despises this talk can walk the plank with a wooden lege No, belay that. Arggh.
Quinn, I have to tell ya, I must have Dive, Island, I've loved, Everest, I've devoured, but book one of Dive is the only one I've read, and need, neeeeeeeeeeeeeeed
the rest. So, can I borrow it soon? Like, really soon? Thanks man. You'd be on my Fave Five if I had a cell phone. Which, when I get one ( 20+ years) number is 123-4567.
Mrs. Duncan, see you tommorow at... I love Rubio's... Island's is good.. put them together... fries... guacamole... cheese... Frank's it is! Until then, may your sails be ever full, you scurvey dogs!
I'll bring the book tomarrow i think. I might only have the third one though. :(
Mrs. Duncan,
It is so not a boy book, 2 of the 4 main characters are girls. :)
- <(*:*)>
Wow that is a lot of talking for three people I think I would like to join on this little chat it sounds like fun! What is the name of the first Dive book? Quinn tell me about because I am looking for a book series after I read the Twilight series!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry for all the exclamation marks. I am sitting in my room at my desk thinking of what to say next but all I think about is Twilight! I have another question Quiin, is the Dive series ok for a girl to read?Bye
I spelled Quinn wrong. Sorry about that! Bye.
I just recieved a National Geographic magazine and it is all about the Black pharaohs of Egypt.
Quinn can I borrow the Dive series it sounds very good. I did not read like my mom during summer break or my book case would have been raded so no I did not read a ton. No I do not surf the net for books I like to hear other peoples opinions on books. I read Twilight and Teachers Pet The Sweet Valley Twins books. Twilight was the best book that i read over the summer. It is a total love story and it has a handsom vampire named Edward and a beautiful girl named Bella.
Im already half way through my book!!! I cant believe it. It's so addicting, I guess I've never really enjoyed a book.=( The Book Im reading is Maximum Ride and it rocks. I've just hit the Climax of the book and If I start, I end up reading two times what I was supposed to. Im actually reading, more than usual!!! Thank you so much Mrs. Duncan for getting me into reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ill bring the book tomarrow
I like books!
Hi, not much to say, except, Quinn,
This has been a special announcement.
Every body who loves adventur and fantasy should read PenDragon. It's a great book!!!!!
Hi bulldog bloggers,
I am so close to finishing my book!!! If you havn't seen my previous blogs on this book, well you have to read it. I'm almost done with it and it's called MAXIMUM RIDE. Talk to me if you want to borrow it. {first come, first serve!}
- <(*:*)>
Hi bulldog bloggers,
I am so close to finishing my book!!! If you havn't seen my previous blogs on this book, well you have to read it. I'm almost done with it and it's called MAXIMUM RIDE. Talk to me if you want to borrow it. {first come, first serve!}
- <(*:*)>
Sorry, I posted it twice on accident!!!!
Why do I seem to always go to those old aboandoned blogs? I could be on a reality show on FOX. " And now a brand new episode of 'Ghost Blog Buster: Hayden Royster.'"
Read "The Warroir Heir." It's great. You betcha.
I just realized what the prompt is. Aren't we supposed to rate our reading? 10. Okay. Bye. Word-up!
hi am i up
Sup people of the web- it's Hanna.. .again. Sorry I didn't blog for a long time, my computer wasn't really working- but now I'm back! So.....I stopped reading Harry Potter
because a 700 page book was WAY too overwhelming with my EXTREMELY busy schedule. Then I started reading the Magyk series, but after the
second book, the library didn't have the third one, so NOW I'm reading this book called 100 cupboards- IT'S SOOOOO INCREDIBLE!!
ITS THE BEST BOOK I HAVE EVER READ! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT TO ALL YOU PEOPLE THAT LOVE READING(aka hayden-if you haven't already read it lol.My rating for this book is...A 10!!!!! YEAH BABY YEAH!!!
c u l8r!
lol ;-)
Sup! I'm almost done with my book!!!!!!! Then I can finish the Magyk series!!! Yay! I'm so happy, I figured out my password!!!! I can blog now!!!! Yay!!! I'm hyper!!!
c u l8r!
lol ;-)
Sup! I'm so happy- I finished my book, 100 Cupboards! It's the best book I've ever read!!! There should be a sequel! If i could rank this book from 1 to 10 I'd give it a...100,000,000,000!! Okay, I'ts not that good lol but from 1 to 10 it's definately a 10!
c u l8r!
;-) lol
Sup! Okay...so I'm reading The Night Tourist for my team time report, and even though I'm not that far in the book, It's pretty good so far. Even though I'm pretty sure most of the people in the class have read it, i recommend it!
c u l8r!
;-) lol
Mrs. Hanna, I'm sorry to inform you, but I finished that "Cupboards": back in, oh, December. Let me say that again. DECEMBER. One more time.
!! !!! !!!!!!
We okay? Alright. Thank ya for the offah.
Oh, and Quinn, whatever happened to Dive? What about Book 2? I wannit. Badda! Really badda!!!!
Anduheverybody, why does everybody stick LOL in between every word? It's(LOL), like(LOL),really(LOL) hard(LOL) to(LOL)communicate(LOL), and(LOL) we(LOL) really(LOL) don't(LOL) get(LOL) anything(LOL) done(LOLOLOLOL). So PLEEEEEEEEEEASE, let's all speakah dah lingo ah mamah andah papah taughtah toah us fromah dah veery baginin'.
All right, mahn?
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