The Barnes and Noble event with P.J., Nathan, and Alan was amazing! All of their efforts benefitted their non-profit organization, Kids Need to Read. I got 1 copy of Orbis 3...but P.J. promised to sign more for my classroom. "KNTR" non-profit gets books into the hands of schools and libraries that need books. What a great idea- and what a great group of guys supporting this worthy cause.
1 comment:
P.J. Haarsma was amazing on Saturday. He was so busy, and I was so busy, I only got 1 copy of book 3 signed! Hopefully P.J. can stop by soon to sign a few copies for our classroom.
Nathan Fillion was FUNNY. I really enjoyed him a lot!
Oh yeah... I bought 12 books in support of Kids Need to Read. Totally COOL!
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