Thursday, June 19, 2008

Hayden's Summer Blog

Hayden's New Summer Blog!
Here it is... Hayden's new blog.  Feel free to blog about whatever! It's a new start to an old blog that simply ran out of room.  So Mr. Cowkid [please change your icon- it's a bull, not a cow!] Blogg-R, or BlogCat... do you know "How lucky, how lucky you are" to have your own blog?  Use it well my friend.  May the  luck of the cow be with you.


Mrs. Duncan said...

Oh yeah- I'm first to blog on this beautiful new post. Oh is sooooooo cool being the first on Hayden's new blog! Hahahaha! Hope the baseboards look maaavelous Mr. Royster. By the time you plug in your computer, there could be multiple blogs!

Have fun tonight at Peter Pan, and alwyas remember this... you can fly!

xoxo Mrs. D.

BIG Give Believer said...

Hey Hayden,

It's me katie and I am the second person to blog!!! Wow You other blog had so many comments!! You better blog a lot over the summer!!!! Have fun with those baseboards! Hehehehehehe! Good duck in your peformance tonight untill Sunday! I hope we can come and see you! Have a good rest of the day!

WillowPrincess said...

Haha I am third lol! It is me Elora if you could not tell. Mrs.Duncan told me about this I just had to be the third one to blog because of course I just had to the third one. Third the nerd weee thats what they call me!

WillowPrincess said...

I forgot to put be after to lol I just had to be!...........Akward...............anywho. I got to go and I hope if you look at my profile youw ill see a recent picture of me .

hayden said...

Thank you so much. Yes. Now I have to think. Allie, I need your words.

I have such appreciation and gratitude for this. Mrs. Duncan said, "Don't cry if you get up there." And now I'm crying. Sorry.

Mrs. Duncan, you took a huge chance on me. I am so grateful. Nicole Kidman, you gave me magnificent words to copy and paste for this acceptance speech. Mrs. Duncan, you fought so hard for this blog to get it made. Duncan Book Blogs, you made it.

And Sydney, Allie, Doglogger stood by me for so many blogs. And I am just absolutely thrilled to be standing up here today.

I do have to say, it was: "Why do you come to the blogspot when the world is in such turmoil?" Because art is important. And because you believe in what you do. And you want to honour that. And it is a tradition that needs to be upheld.

I would also like to thank the Academy, I would not be here with uot you, because I'd probably be at Rancho Minerva or something.

And I am standing here in front of my teacher and my fellow bloggers and my whole life I've wanted to make my classmates proud. And now I want to make my blog proud. So thank you.

Anonymous said...

Hey there Hayden, you told me to blog on your blog so, thats exactly what I am doing. Isn't it magical!
-Delila out

WillowPrincess said...

Hayden that little speech you gave was amazing! I am sitting here listening to music and thinking of every word you said. You wanted to make you classmates proud I know you did because you are simply amzing and a great friend! So if you are reading this you are WAY to close! Ta-ta for now!

WillowPrincess said...

I just have to put this little random comment on here! Eggs and bacon eggs and bacon eggs and bacon...........AKWARD.........! BYE

twinkle.das said...

Hey Hayden and everyone else reading this (yes that means YOU...whoever you are).

In case you don't know, this is Gitanjali, the very same person who used to blog to you through the, um, interesting Allie Mathews (sorry, couldn't think of a flattering adjective.)

Anyway, that little speech you gave, Hayden, was just so touching. I got tears in my eyes reading it. Let's face it, kid, that speech is worthy to be up in the archives of all great speeches along side Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.

So...I'm going to go now. It's been Yeah.

LONG LIVE THE ELEPHANTS! And cows, just for you, Hayden. Oh, and yes, Allie, Yoda is my homeboy. :) (look, it's your happy face, X.)

Mrs. Duncan said...

Hayden- it's good to see that your fans are filling up your blog [all girls I might add...]. I have a book for you- I'll give it to you tomorrow [The Land of the Silver Apples].

Elora...I hate to do this because it's such a teacher thing... but you are spelling awkward wrong. ;-)

Gitanjali- nice to hear from you too. I just finished Seeing Redd. Frank thanked me for your special assistance in an email I just received. He promised us the ARC of book 3- can't wait!!! I asked him for one of the Wonderland medallions that he was wearing... $200.00 thank you very much. I'll admire it from afar and wear my cool Softwire one instead!

Katherine Marsh just emailed me as well to let me know that the sequel to Night Tourist is in the mail. It's hot off the press ARC. Totally cool! Who wants to read it?

So- should I re-read Blue Bloods , or start the new sequel to Luxe? Hmmm...

twinkle.das said...

Hey again!

Mrs. Duncan, don't you love The Looking Glass Wars! Redd is an awesome villain. When the ARC for book 3 comes out, can you send me a copy or something? Actually...I might have to wait until summer break or something. My brother and sister's freshmen year was hard, so mine probably would be, too.

And Elora, I noticed you spelled 'awkward' wrong, too, but I didn't know if you did it on purpose or not, so I decided not to comment.

Has anyone watched Get Smart yet? It's pretty funny! Steve Carrell rocks!


twilight junkie A.K.A sydney said...

and, of coures i'm the 12th do blog on your new blog I'm still sorry about what I did about the yearbook... will you forgive me i mean i know im on yearbook restriction and im doing pretty good at it and yaaaaa a new blog!!! You needed a new blog the other one took to long to scroll although this one will get bigger I'm going golfing today and wait for it in 97 degree weather with me, my brother and my mom oh joy see you fellow dogbloggers later

twilight junkie A.K.A sydney said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

OH NOES. It would seem that in all my insanity over the summer thus far I have neglected my blogging duties.

Hayden, I really want to apologize. I hope it's not too late. You know what I'm referring to, I expect. That Alexis girl has to record her arrangements and songs and whatnot. And she has to be a bit less snobbish. Have you noticed that? *shrug* Oh well.

Mrs. Duncan read Seeing Redd! I'm so glad. Wasn't it ama--zing? (STILL doing that...) Redd is awesome, Yoda, it's true. She's actually my favorite to think about. So delightfully evil, but not without reasons. *cackle* Sorry, did I scare you? I seem to have that effect on people.

Oh, and by the way, Hayden, your acceptance speech brought a tear to my eye. YOU DESERVE THIS BRAND NEW SEUSS-THEMED BLOG. I'm so proud of you! :D

Mrs. Duncan--start the new Luxe book. As much as I love rereading, new books come first. And speaking of which--just finished Wildwood Dancing. Oh. My dear sweet lord. ...I KNEW IT ALL ALONG, you know. The frog thing. I REALLY, REALLY DID. But Paula, at the moment, is my favorite sister. I'm starting the second one immediately after blogging.

Elora, baby, I love you, I really do, but akward? Really, dear. Have I been that horrible a mother? (Still love you, though.)

Oh, and Yoda. I think you're quite interesting myself. *eyebrow raise*

Anonymous said...


Hate to spam. Have to post something so I can click the little option saying "email follow-up comments to borrow.the.moonlight@gamil.cmom."

I won't do it again.

twinkle.das said...

Xander, dear, hate to nag, but I think you mean "email follow-up comments to" not "email follow-up comments to borrow.the.moonlight@

Sorry, had to say it!

You know you love me. XOXO.
Yoda (Gitanjali)

twilight junkie A.K.A sydney said...

Poor Delila nobody will blog on her blog expect for her most loyal-ist friend....ME comeon people blog on her blog just klick on zip and see the blog she has on her profile shes desprete for bloggers!!!

BIG Give Believer said...

uuuhhhhh....... Hayden, this is Lexus, but just because you have a new blog now, am I still the official dog blogger??? oh, by the way, happy summer everyone!!! (oops, mybad... I forgot i'm only alowed to use one exclamation mark)

BIG Give Believer said...

hey everbody, just wanted to say that I hope you all have a great break, I hope I do too! has anyone done, or going to do anything exciting??? well, again, I hope you have a great summer!
luv u all!!!
Lexus Vasquez

twinkle.das said...


The third Inheritance book by Christopher Paolini (Eragon, Eldest) is coming out in September. It turns out that Paolini is making it a four book series in lieu of a trilogy due to the immense size of the third book! The book is called Brisingr, which is Norse for fire.

Here is the amazon link:

I'm so excited!

twinkle.das said...

So the amazon link didn't work, so instead go onto and type in Brisingr to the search bar.

Anonymous said...


Yoda, I am going to make this quick, somewhat like a slap. I am not one for typos and illiteracy. IT DOESN'T HAPPEN MUCH. So...leave me alone. >:[ (The mad face is a kind of "just kidding" thing, I love you, it's okay.)

Delilah, I might just drop by your new blog, dear. I'm always here to help. :)

So, Hayden, listen to this, I'll see if the link works; it's this piece that I'm going to learn. Give me your opinion: will I be able to learn this by the winter recital?

I think barely, but...

And you have to tell me what you're learning next. I'm curious. :D

Anonymous said...

Why thank you Allie, you are welcome to come and blog with us at any time you please. Sydney and I are have quite a conversation, and it will help if we have more than 2 people blogging. Come join the Fun!!!!!

twilight junkie A.K.A sydney said...

yes, I think were stealing Haydens spotlight....Oh ya exept nobody blogs on Delilas blog nobody exept me, Allie,and well delila so as delila typed come join the blog!

Mrs. Duncan said...

Allie & Gitanjali-
I tried to email Christopher Palolini but he did not respond. I wanted the ARC of Brisingr, but his publicist said they did not make them. Darn!

Katherine Marsh emailed me on Tuesday [Night Tourist author] and confirmed that Hyperion sent me the box of ARCs for book 2. She's anxious to hear your opinions, so as soon as I get them, I'll let you know. I would love Recommended reads for all who read it- for Ms. Marsh and,eventually, Barnes and Noble.

I am reading the Morganville Vampire series and am almost done with book 3. I like it, although there is some PG-13 content. These vampires do not know's a totally different look at the vamp/human saga. It also includes ghosts and coffee... if you want to read the books, let me know.

Zip- what's up cutie? The new Vampire Kisses book comes out soon.

Hey Lex- hope you're having a good summer!

Okay. GTG. xoxo Mrs. D.

PS Hayden, I've finished 4 books, almost 5.

Anonymous said...

Greetings! Yes I am so totally excited about the new Vampire Kisses coming out! I am also intrigued by the new vampire book you are reading Mrs.Duncan, it sounds awesome. Just out of curiosity have any of you City of Bones fans seen the cover of City of Glass it pretty cool, just go to Cassandra Clare's website and it will show it. Personally I think this is my favorite of all of the covers. Well it is time for me to go.

twinkle.das said...

Mrs. Duncan, thank you for trying to get the ARC for Brisingr. And the Morganville series sounds really interesting, I think I want to try it out.

Xander, like I say, you know you love me!

Hayden, riddle me this, why is everyone talking to you, yet you do not talk to everyone? I see that you have posted a grand total of one comment on YOUR blog, yet everyone else seems to have posted more than one comment.

Anyway, talk atcha ya later!

hayden said...

I feel bad. This is my blog, and what? Where is the owner? Where is the guy who maintains the insanity and nurtures it become impossible to describe? Well, I'm back, and I would like to invite everybody to help my old one go to 200 comments. I also have a message for everyone.

Mrs. Duncan: Grrrrrrrr.

Allie: Hi, great to have you back. I am doing the Neopolitan song by Tcahiovsky- Tacsfrfyoskvy-Chicowsky- that dude. I haven't time to look on Youtube. But I shall. Oh yes. Cool new blog, by the way. I'm gonna check it out. And blog. And you should check out the Summer Reading Blog.

Gitanjali: Hi, how are you? What is your interest in elephants? I neeeeeeeeeeeeed Brisngr. Bad. And the new Night Tourist book. But why am I telling you this? I don't know. You should blog on the summer reading blog.

Zip: Hey there Delila, what's it like on my blog, your a thousand miles away from a computer but you blogged, oh yes you did. Oh, what you blogged to me, is what I'll blog to you.

Sydney: Hi. You don't blog much any more. And I forgive yah, you dingdong. Aren't you proud of me.

Everybody: The links don't work. But don't loose hope. Just copy and paste the link onto the think on the top that takes to websites.


Mrs. Duncan said...

Grrrrrrrr? You're growling at me Hayden? Can't take the heat? Hmmmm. I'm smiling right now. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hey there again Hayden! Thank you for responding back!! I hope you are having a good summer vacation. While all of you people are playing in the sun I am in a almost pitch black room with a computer in it. Doesn't that sound like fun!? Well, since I have blogged on your blog you must blog on my blog, also know as "The Fun and Random Blog". We have quite a interesting conversation going on about my secret obsession with finger painting and sparkly unicorns! Come join the fun!!!!!!!

twilight junkie A.K.A sydney said...

hay hayden! I'm sorry I havn't been blogging latley...I've been blogging on delilas blog....there are some random stuff on there! But anyhow, I'm on your blog I'm very very proud for you doing 2 comments out of soon to be 31 comments!!!Oh you ding dong hayden (I wouldn't call you any other hostess treats because your that special) See you bloggers(not bloogers)On delilas fun and random blog!!!! see you all soon!!!I hope to see you to ding dong!

twinkle.das said...

Hey Earthlings!

Hayden, my interest in elephants comes from long ago. One night, when the full moon was out, a howl pierced the silence of the village. A chill crawled down my spine and I looked out the window. There, I saw one cloud. A cloud, in the shape of an...elephant. That lonely elephant cloud gave me courage throughout the cold, windy night.

Well, actually, that didn't happen. What is really true is that elephants are the coolest animal ever, second to dragons, of course. I've actually ridden on an elephant before. But, anyway, it's kind of an inside joke for me and some of my friends, like Xander and Ronji and Wyatt, we say "Save the elephants!" And sometimes frogs or polar bears.

Delila, you're in UK, right? Isn't it awesome there!

Goodbye, everyone!

Anonymous said...

So I was looking over one of your earlier posts on the old Summer Blog, Hayden, and it reminded me of a haircutting experience I had today.

So I was going up to my cousin's baby shower in LA with my mom and my grandma, and since we were early, we decided to go get our hair trimmed. We were in the little Asian part of town, so of course, everything was in some Asian language--like, Chinese or Korean or whatever. The minute we walk in, some lady goes, "Oh, oh, siddown, siddown!" So I sit, and she immediately asks me, "How much you want cut?"

"I don't know, just a trim."

"This much?"

"Well, I don't know, maybe a bit less--"

"Okay, okay, this much, this is good, this much."

So she starts cutting my hair--like, too much--and some other lady comes up to me, and immediately they both start speaking some Asian language. It's obviously about me.




"小不幸的人--Oh, oh, nothing, she say you pretty, that's all--至于我说…"

And it just went on. I hope you all had a better day than me.

I'm going to bed. D:

twilight junkie A.K.A sydney said...

oh poor allie ): I just went to my soon to be sisters bridal shower (: It was really wonderful because the had a tiny little chocolate fountain straberrys+chocolate fountain=Yum!!!I'm sorry Hayden but you have barerly been blooging (yes I spelled blooging inside joke)lately Come bloog on Delilas bloog!!!

hayden said...

You know what I hate, Allie, is when the person cutting your hair doesn't start a conversation. That is the mark of a bad hairdresser. It is mandatory for them, if they are going to force you to sit in a chair and look as if you stuck your head in a blender, to at least say, So how's your summer? Do you miss school? How old are you? Are you married? Do these pants make me look fat? But this lady I got at SuperCuts (and tell me, who in their right mind would named a haircut place that. Come on down, we got superduper cuts at Super Cuts! Buh-buh buh buh buhhh, I'm cuttin' it.) said nothing except, " Could you lean to the left? " "T urn to the right a little bit." "I left a little bit long in the back for you to work with." Darn right she did. I got a mini-mullet. Of course, of course. I didn't expect someone to what that is.

So I've read about 2 books to anyone who's not interested, and to those who are, I don't care if you've read eight books. I'm workin' on it. I got places to go( Bakersfield, home of the cows and tumbleweeds) people to see (Uncle Greg and Aunt Karen and just about the entire family of my mom) and things to do( watch Ghostbusters and The Bucket List.) But I'm almost done with a book.

Anyway, it's good to have commentors. And does anybody read? Cause there's a summer blog callin' your name.

twinkle.das said...

All Inkheart fans:

The official Inkheart movie trailer:

I'm so excited for the movie! The best part is, is that it comes out 6 days after my birthday (it comes out on January 6th)!

BTW, the third book, Inkdeath is coming out soon. I was so right when I guessed the name of the book! I thought that it would be Inkdeath, because if you remember in the second book, the three words to write on that one book to kill that one person were heart, spell, and death. Well, there was already an InkHEART, an InkSPELL, thus resulting in the third book being called InkDEATH. I know, I'm pretty smart.

So, Xander, that another book you're going to pre-order?


Anonymous said...

Yoda, I am definitely preordering this wonderful new book. :D

Ah, Hayden, how was your trip? Oreo's okay, right? She didn't eat all that much of her own food, and then when I gave her treats she nearly took my hand off with them. I love her, though.

And yes, I hate it when they don't talk to you. The ladies at the Asian place most certainly didn't. Except to each other. About me. I mean, that just makes you feel lovely, doesn't it?

Yeah, I've read a grand total of two books so far as well. Starting The Naming. Anyone read that here besides Mrs. Duncan? It looks really good.

I'm going to check out this summer blog you speak of, Hayden.


Mrs. Duncan said...

Hey Guys-

I received the box of sequels from Hyperion today! The sequel to The Night Tourist is called The Twilight Prisoner. It looks AMAZING! Katherine Marsh sent me 10. Who wants one? Blog on my summer posting and let me know!

xoxo Mrs. D.

twinkle.das said...

Mrs. Duncan, that is so awesome you got the ARC for Twilight Prisoner! Too bad I've never read the Night Tourist :( But, that is still really cool!

So, I've watched a lot of movies this summer so far, (Get Smart, Beautiful Mind, I Am Legend, Definitely Maybe, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, Dead Poet's Society) and I'm still going to watch more! I'm going to watch Dark Night in IMAX on the 18th and the press screening of the newest Mummy movie on the 29th. Look for my review in the newspaper!


PS Xander, I am going to post up a question on the other blog, it's not crucial, but maybe you can offer some advice?

twilight junkie A.K.A sydney said...

Mrs.Duncan I WANT ONE....Please?Maybe you could give it to me at the breaking dawn relese party...if you have any left...oh and I read the first chapter of breaking dawn and i have to say it was AMAZING!!!!My mom needed to read eclipse so we bought it today and it had the first chapter inside all I can say is wow

CHLOE!!!!!!! said...

HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY EVERYBODY!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry I haven't been blogging lately I............ I...... I've been busy........................ sleeping. But anyway, I'm awake today!!!!!!! BTW, there are 40 blogs on this page including mine and one that got deleted. This blog has only been up for.......(thinking)............(thinking more).....( little light bulb pops up and blinks) Hah! I've got it. Nope, never mind, whatev! Also, Elora what's up with all the wierd pictures you even got your tongur=e sticking out. But, they are cool. Can't wait for the net creation of ELORA KITTMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(and I am not a stalker). I'm going to miss sixth grade. Hanna W. this is for you " That's just weird!!!!!!!!!!!" LOL!!! I! Like! Exclamation! Points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just counted how many ecxlamation points I have and I have 100!!!!! 105 now! 106

hayden said...

Well, folks. It's the fourth. Of July. That day. Oreo's birthday. I should probably be patriotic in some way. Is it possible to write in red? Copy... paste onto word document... no......... darn. Oh well, um, hmmm. I'll write a song. To show that I'm proud to be an American. And I konw that I am free.And I proudly stand up next to you.... sorry.... song.

Well he was sittin' round a table with a bunch of other guys
On the fourth of july

He was gonna sign a document that would ensure the freedom of the patriots
Just two more signatures to go and then Benjamin would sign
It’d been a long hard day
He had a lot on his mind and he didn’t pay attention
To John handing him the pen
Before they knew the pen was spinning in the air really really fast
They saw both their lives flash before their eyes
Ben didn’t even have time to cry
John was so scared
He threw his hands up in the air

Bennny, take the pen
Take it off the ground.
We've been doin' this all day long.
I'm goin' home,
And we need your help now
To continue on this road we’re on
Benny take the pen

Well, he reached for the pen and took it off the ground
And cradled it in his arms
He cried and said to pen,” Baby, You won’t come to any harm.”
And for the first time in a long time
He signed his signature
Benjamin Franklin
And he turned to all his friends
And they knew that they
Changed the U.S.A

Benny, take the pen
Take it off the ground.
We've been doin' this all day long.
I'm goin' home,
And we need your help now
To continue on this road we’re on
Benny take the pen

Oh, I'm goin' home,
And we need your help now
To continue on this road we’re on
Benny take the pen
Oh, take it, take it from me
Oh now.

Well, that must put you in a patriotic mood. I worked dang hard on that. See if you can guess what I BORROWED it from. Okay. Happy 4th, and to all a good night. Ho, ho, ho, ho.

twilight junkie A.K.A sydney said...

happy 4th peoplez!As chloe, I havn't been blooging because i've been... well... sleeping.Anyway I hope for almost everyone to have a great 4th of july!(don't ask)
so hayden am i still an exeption just wondering...Hayden will you be at barnes and noble book relese party???You have some very good predictions about breaking dawn jk jk

Anonymous said...


Life is so good when you're around, Hayden. And now you've given me a new burst of inspiration--find the "Jesus, Take the Wheel" karaoke and record it with the "Benny" lyrics. YES.

Don't feel bad you weren't able to come yesterday, Mrs. Duncan, there was a lot going on. We completely understand--plus you're coming over anyway. I HAVE COMICS FOR YOOOUU. Hayden, I'm sure you might have a hint as to what comics they are--my favorites, by far, and what inspired your love for cows. haven't read Twilight, have you? SYDNEY, you're CONFUSIFYING ME.

twilight junkie A.K.A sydney said...

its kind of a not so much inside joke hayden said that edward and bella will fly to the moon together and live happily ever after and no hayden hasn't read the twilight series I mean did you see the jk jk???????Apparently not :( i feel sorry for my emo short hair, unicorn loving friend
I am proud to say i slept in until 10:30....these past nights and going to bed at 1 i feel like a vampire.....Edward.......
Only 1 week and six days till my brother is getting married (I'm a bridesmaid)

Mrs. Duncan said...

Syd- a bridesmaid... is Tyler getting married? You will be beautiful. I'll save you an ARC of Twilight Prisoner and bring it to the Breaking Dawn party. xoxo

Hayden , when I pick up the twins at Allie's, I'll be bearing gifts of books. Some for Allie, some for you.

I'm packing. Trying to shove 2 weeks of clothing and accessories in my suitcase for 5 days at Maui. I think I have 6 pairs of shoes [okay, do flip flops count? I brought 2 pairs of those]. I've got my Geek Bag all packed with laptop [I got a new Fox laptop sleeve... it's to die for] 2 digital cameras [SLR and small one], iPod, cell phone... of and of course, 5 or 6 books. ;-) Oh yeah- ready for Maui.

Watch my recent blog for an author's posting. She wrote The Magic Thief; it's really good. I'm bringing it for you Hayden- you will LOVE it.

twilight junkie A.K.A sydney said...

thanx Mrs.D actually chris,my other than me and tyler brother is getting married and soon I will have 2 sisters.....and 4 brothers I will still be the baby of the family exept my nephew Gavin whos almost 2 from my older brother Chris the one getting married
and chris is getting married the same day of Tylers b-day july 18th
well for that little recap of my life/family I have to be going now things to go places to do....sorry mix up :D

hayden said...

Okay. I have to type with one hand, as I broke/sprained/jammed(no answers yet) my right index finger surfing. I know you all are weeping at thing anguish I am going threw, and I appreciate your sympathy and sorrow, but it's okay. As Allie knows(thanks for the book and great story, I wish that wpuld hsppen in the plot)it seems like only yesterday when I slammed my head against her slide.
Ah, what wonderful summer I'm having. Stay tuned for when I break my legs while pogo-sticking.Now that will be one heck of a day.

Well, Mrs. Duncan, I give you permissiom to post your adventures on theis blog, in journal style. If you'd rather not,I will only be offended slightly. Think about it.

Mrs. Duncan said...

Hayden, I dropped off books at Allie's last night.

Check out my recent post- the author of the Magic Thief blogged! xoxo

Anonymous said...

COOL! I have to read that when Hayden's done. :D

You're very welcome, Hayden. Yes, it does seem like only yesterday that that God-awful BooBoo Pack was staring us in the faces like it was going to sneak through our bedroom windows and force us to watch reruns of That's So Raven for the rest of eternity. *shudder* The orange chicken sauce was better. Maybe we can lend it to you for your broken/sprained/jammed finger.

Mrs. Duncan, you HAVE to tell us all about Maui. I've always wanted to go somewhere in Hawaii. So many adventures to be had. :)

Sydney, that's so awesome! Make your new profile picture a picture of you in your bridesmaid dress. xD "The best part is, you can cut it shorter and wear it again!"

Love 27 Dresses.

Hayden, don't forget breaking your neck tripping and rolling down your massive hill. That's going to happen, too, one day.

twinkle.das said...

Hayden, you're going to break your neck after rolling down a massive hill? That sounds like fun! I want to try!

Sydney, have a great time at your brothers wedding! You will look GORGEOUS!! And July 18th also happens to be the birthday of Nelson Mandela.

Xander, congratulations! You did it, you are the 50th blogger on Hayden's blog! Yeah, Allie! Oh, and I do love 27 Dresses, too.

So, over and out!

twilight junkie A.K.A sydney said...

gosh the scrollbar keeps getting smaller and smaller...well I can't really make my dress smaller I love it anyway do u guys like it??!!!!
sorry another random moment :D
to all you bloogers out there I say good bye!!!

Anonymous said...

Cool! "I'm a goofy blooger, yeah, you're a goofy blooger, yeah, we're all goofy bloogers, yeah--GOOFYBLOOGERGOOFYBLOOGERYEAH!"

Try saying that last line three times fast. Any of you who are pathetically sheltered, that was from Spongebob.

Why, Sydney, that DRESS! LOOK at you! Oh, you're beautiful!'ve changed your race. O.o

I'm the 50th blogger? YES! WOOT! Now all I need is to find some 50-themed song, get the lyrics, and my life will be complete.

hayden said...

Sydney, is your life that insignifigant that you need to comment on the scroll bar? What kind of life to you lead? That is truly depressing. How do you sleep with yourself? And why do you want a small dress? If I were a girl I'd want a giant dress so I could have pockets inside, to hold objects of value: books, yo-yo, books, pogo stick, books, my dog, a laptop, friends, T.V.'s, and maybe some books. But I'm happy with the gender card I was dealt. Though they don't really make big pants. Big dress: yes. Big pants: how?

Allie, I have found a song that relates to fifty for you. I tried the theme song from," That 70's Show," and making it, " That 50's Show" but it does not mention 7o. Therefore, n0 50. Though, I just thought of a fifty song.
Here's a little song I wrote,
you might want to sing it note for note,

don't worry, be fifty

in every life we are some number,
when you 50 you make it better,
don't worry, be fifty

don't worry be fifty now
don't worry be fifty
don't worry be fifty
don't worry be fifty
don't worry be fifty
ain't got no blog to comment on,
somebody came and ruined your blog,
but don't worry, be fifty

google say your blog to full,
you may hafta delete,
but don't worry be fifty,

look at me im happy,
don't worry, be fifty

i give you my blog,
when your worried, blog it,
i make you fifty

don't worry, be fifty

ain't got no blog, aint got no style,
aint got no comments to make you smile
but don't worry, be fifty

cause when you worry, your face will frown,
and that will bring everybody down,
so don't worry, be fifty

don't worry, be fifty now...

don't worry, be fifty
don't worry, be fifty
don't worry, be fifty
don't worry, be fifty

Now there this song I wrote
I hope you you learned it note for note
like good little bloggers

don't worry be fifty

listen to what I say
in your life expect a number
when you 50 you make it better
dont worry be fifty
be fifty now

dont worry, be fifty
dont worry, be fifty
dont worry, be fifty
dont worry, be fifty
dont worry
dont worry be fifty
don't worry, don't worry, be fifty

Thank you, thank you. See if you could do better. Man. Mrs. Duncan, how was Maui? See any sea turtles? How was the food? Any resteraunts where Harrison Ford visited or pictures with homeless men( see my old blog)? Tell. Anyway, have a great summer ya'll. 7 books. Bet that. I'm not talking to you Mrs. Duncan.

twilight junkie A.K.A sydney said...

hayden hayden, hayden...I never chose my dress I mean come on Hayden have you like never been a bridesmaid before???What kind of life do YOU lead???Sometimes in life, you have to stop and see the scrollbar...And I had a moment like that
Allie I didn't change my race I had a really dark tan...WHAT DO THINK????DO YOU WANT TO MAKE SOMTHIN OUT OF THIS????
as Hayden says don't worry stay filthy!!!(i mean fifty =D....or do i????) don don DOOONNNNN
adelfb njadlkzfbn
another random moment =)

twinkle.das said...

Greeting people of Earth and Hayden!

Xander, how are you? Planning any big parties (of which I will be invited to) to celebrate being the 590 blogger?

Sydney, the dress is really cute. And, no I don't think you should cut it shorter. And don't listen to Hayden; an overly large dress is SO not fashionable. Also, with all your random moments, are they really considered random anymore? Random means something that happens all of a sudden, something that is not expected, yet you happen to have random moments all the time, thus leading everyone to expect these so called 'random' moments of yours.

Hayden, COUGHPLAGIARISMCOUGH sorry. I have a cough. It must be from all the BADNESS IN THE AIR FROM LITTLE DELINQUENTS PLAGIARIZING BOBBY MCFERRIN SONGS. And, before any of you comment on the uppercase lettering, normally people write in all caps to EXPRESS EXTREME EMOTION.

hayden said...

Hi, Gitangali. You consider that plagiarism? Well, I'll have you know and according to Sector 4A-5(876TH) of the United States Department of Originality, and I quote," The parodying, imitating, spoofing, distorting and/or mocking of copyrighted songs is legal if not using exact and/or direct lyrics from the song as an original created by a specific person other than the creator, which is considered plagiarism by the United States Department of Originality." Therefore, “Don’t Worry, Be Fifty," is no more illegal than "Just Eat It" composed by Weird Al Yankovitch. Thank you for your attention.

Kidney, do you really think I'm filthy? Have you seen me recently, because my family is the only people who know the amount of showers I've taken, and that does not correspond with calling me,"filty." I'll have you konw that Sector 456FDS2(1/2 states- never mind. Allie? Did you like my song? Huh?

CHLOE!!!!!!! said...

hey people, Chloe here. OMG, guess what, I'm in a movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm just an extra but I'm still in it. The movie is called How to save a life and my youth pastor is the writer and it's not like a little church movie that's on a little video camera, no it's a real movie it's going to be in the movie theater and everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This movie comes out next summer, summer of '09.
Also if you look at my bloggy thingy picture it is Edward carrying Bella from you-know-what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hah! My exclamation points go off the page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Chloe. HOLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The points. They burn.

Hayden, I LOVED your song. I'm sorry I didn't get to blog earlier, I've been...busy...I'm going to go to LA today. D: Buuut I'm going there to see a Lea Salonga concert! :D Anybody who doesn't know who she is, she's this amazing Filipino singer who did the singing voices of Mulan and Jasmine from Aladdin, among others. I'm happy.

Chloe, your profile picture makes me want to be Bella. *swoon*

Sup, Yoda. Can you send us a picture of your Phantom dress? I can't wait, you must tell me EVERY LAST DETAIL.

Okay, so you didn't change your race. Sydney, I'd rather not make something out of this. I'm a lover, not a fighter. Unless you do something to seriously tick me off. *cough* Yoda, I must be catching what you have.

Mrs. Duncan, I JUST FINISHED WAR OF THE WITCHES, and it was INCREDIBLE. It was a tiny bit tough to get into at first, though at first I was a tiny bit preoccupied, but when I really got into it--WOAH. And that name! Anaid. So pretty. Is there a sequel?

Big dress: no. Big pants: probably. Chocolate milk: win.



hanna 1FOB fan said...

Hey everybody!!!It's Hanna!!!!I'm going exclamation mark crazy!!!!!!!Yea I know what you're thinking, because I already know that most people in Mrs. Duncan's class think I'm weird...idk why, lol jk I know why. Soo.....yea. I finished The Lightning Thief and now I'm reading The Looking Glass Wars and it's pretty good.So yea lol
I hope everyone is having an awesome summer and is having FUN F-U-N SPELLS FUN!!So yea
c u l8r!
;-) lol

twilight junkie A.K.A sydney said...

hey hey hey!!! Chloe, You should do some sort of sign saying "hi" to all of us bloogers out here that would be awsome...nest-ly-done
ummmmm......ok.......=D......=).....;).....:) RANDOMNESS IS ACCORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I think extras are...well...ok but whose the star?

twilight junkie A.K.A sydney said...

2 MORE DAYS TILL WE LEAVE TILL THE HOTEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MAYBE I SHOULD TURN THE THE CAPS LOCK OFF....thats better im sooooo ecxited all see you bloogers lata!

Mrs. Duncan said...

Syd- Have fun at the wedding! Take pics- I want to see them on August 2nd.

August 2nd. My summer is dragging by because I'm waiting for August 2nd. The Twilight website said that lots of people are posting spoilers of the book- but here's my thought. WHERE did they get the book so they could post spoilers? All of my usual contacts said no ARCs were made so that spoilers would not happen. I think people are so desperate, they are making it up.

Which brings me to my newest post: Breaking Dawn Predictions. What are your hopes for the story? Talking about it might keep me happy until the book is released. Start blogging !

twinkle.das said...

Hey peeps! Miss me?

August 2nd. I can't come :( I wish I could, but I can't. Xander, you will email me and tell me all about it, right? Good. You better.

Tomorrow is Phantom Day!!!! I'm so excited, I just can't hide it! My parents and my brother are going to get so annoyed because my sister and I will be singing the songs on the way home.

Is anyone looking for a good book to read? I just finished our summer reading book for Rancho. It was AMAZING. It's called The Bridge of San Luis Rey by Thornton Wilder. It's not fantasy for those who like fantasy, but it's good to branch out on reading genres once in a while. Don't worry, it isn't only suitable for older readers or anything, but it is a classic book. I thought it was an easy read though, and it's really short. Xander, tell me when you finish it, then we might be able to discuss it via email, and we will have a better understanding of it.

Mrs. Duncan-- In Breaking Dawn, I have a feeling that something coughJacobcough is going to get in the way of the wedding. I keep wondering, did Jacob really imprint Bella? Because, if he did, wouldn't he have known when he met her the first time? And, would Bella decide to not become a vampire for the sake of still being able to see Jacob? Or maybe Bella will be the first vampire to venture forth into the realm of befriending werewolves...No one will know until AUGUST 2ND!!

Talk atcha later!

twinkle.das said...

I'm sorry, it seems that I am spamming the blog, but don't worry, I'm not. I just had to add one last thing.

Hayden, young, innocent, and all around special, little Hayden. YOU SPELLED MY NAME WRONG!!!

Thank you. I'm done.


twinkle.das said...

It's the day we've all been waiting for (or at least I have been)...

PHANTOM DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And tomorrow is

DARK KNIGHT DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Xander, I'll email you either on Saturday or Sunday. Tell you all about Caltech (that's the college we're going to see for my brother this week), Dark Knight, and Phantom.

Have a Happy Thursday!

Anonymous said...

Well, it's Friday. I haven't been on in a school week and then some--I hope you all haven't missed me too much. :D It's been a long week.

I just finished surf camp today and I look different--my face is red, my lips are chapped, I have a board shorts tan, there is a massive and painful rash on the inside of my left leg, my eyes are bloodshot, there is a small bump on my head from where Maddie's fins hit me, I'm darker, and I feel great now. I love spending five straight days at the beach. It's awesome. You get tan, you learn stuff, you can scream at the top of your lungs with your friends and no one will notice, and you have an excuse to crash on the couch when you get home. What can possible be better than that?

So...PHANTOM! How was it, Yoda?! Ooh, it was great, huh? Was the Phantom/Christine kick-arse? I hope so. AND DARK KNIGHT! Sweet. Me and my cousin want to see it. Batman's almost as cool as Hellboy. Almost.

Sydney, was the wedding cool? Did everyone compliment your sweet dress?

As for Breaking Dawn predictions...I'm brain dead, actually. Maybe it has something to do with the last day of surf camp, but I think it can go any way Mrs. Meyer wants it to go. (That was a creative way of saying "I have no idea." Maybe I should go into law!) I really think that, despite the fact that Bella...ugh, loves Jacob (even though he's not half as amazing in every way shape or form as her Edward--swoon), she should really just leave him to his pack stuff and go do her own thing. Jacob gets on my last nerve. Just so long as Edward bites her eventually, I'm a happy camper.

Hayden, you've been quiet. How have you been?

Oh, and Mrs. Duncan--I'm going to restart The Naming soon. I just finished Fire Bringer and it was AMAZING. So much better than I thought it would be what with the deer...Wowza.

twinkle.das said...

Hellboy cannot beat Batman. Seriously, X. (Hehe, why so serious?) Anyway, I'll email you today, when I get a chance.

Everyone else, DARK KNIGHT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Watch it, seriously. It was really cool in IMAX. They actually shot a few scenes with IMAX cameras, the first time in movie HISTORY. Phantom of the Opera was pretty awesome, too. The Phantom was AMAH-zing.


Anonymous said...

Batman over Hellboy? I disagree.

The thing about Hellboy is, sure he gets beat up a bit, but he has cooler villains and an attitude problem. Batman's so...serious. But Hellboy does his job with style and still manages to be all sour. "Hey--hey, you're Hellboy!" "Yeah, I'm ugly."

Glad you enjoyed Dark Knight and Phantom, though. In a fight, the Phantom beats all, but he's no comic book hero, so I can't say much. *shrug*

Goin' to da beach! Goin' to da BEACH! Goin' to da beach to-DAY!

Mrs. Duncan said...

Hey Ladies,
Blog about Breaking Dawn predictions on the Breaking Dawn post. I'm sure Hayden will appreciate it!

Mrs. D.

twinkle.das said...

Hayden, I know you are secretly harboring all this pent up excitement for the upcoming Breaking Dawn book, but, dude, you gotta let it all out. Just release your inner chi, let the spirits of the Dawn of which is breaking guide you.

Xander, Batman beats Hellboy.

Sydney, how was the wedding? Didya have fun?

I'm going to go now. Read some books. Do some homework. Or maybe I should go to bed. Yeah, I'll do that.

Bye, again.

hayden said...

Okay, Allie, I have been quiet. It's just that... this whole Maui/Mrs. Duncan thing has got me worked up and remembering things I shouldn't and don't want to, and I don't know where to turn... joking. I can't bring myself to stoop so low as to say "JK" or "LOL” or some disgusting text message cliché. Ugh. And Mrs. Duncan, I am leaning toward the "retold untold story" thing of that fateful day with a hula dancer and.... never mind. Actually, you have mistaken my shyness for absence, as I have been at a fabulous church camp. Oh the stories to tell. Oh the stories to tell. If I'm willing to try. Think flibber-flabber, or shoving faces in whip cream, or spiders that scare boys more than girls. If you go to church came, oh the absurdities you will find, lining up to get loose. Oh the stories to tell, if you think about camp!

Got carried away. Now
Mrs. G-I-T-A-N-J-A-L-I and Allie, stop the feud. We all know that Hellboy and Batman and the Phantom are da bomb, but when it comes down to it, there's no competition. We all know the winner of this. You knew. Not some bat obsessed guy in tights, not some guy with a bad sunburn, and not a guy who wears a mask (I couldn't offend the Phantom). No the true hero, my good good friends, is Wall*E.

Oh you know it. Hellboy comes up to him, and Wall*E's all like,"Whoah!" and compacts him into a trash square. Batman comes up and Wall*E's like," Eva!" and Eve comes and burnintates him (I’m all on a Homestar Runner high today. Everybody to the limit!) The Phantom comes up to him, and Wall*E holds his hand and won't let go. That little robot brings out the best in everybody. I love that guy.

I am going so, like, crazygonuts about Breaking Dawn. Of course I haven't read Twilight, but the bobbing for apples thing at Barnes & Noble sounds like SO GOOD! You know, I think I will right my own story of what happens to Edward and Bella, my own little
fan-a-fiction. I don't really know the plot. But, hey, how hard can it be?
1 coool awesome vampire dude
1 redhead girl
1 wedding
1 guy who Bella likes named Jacob

I could get a fantastic story in. And you would love it so much, you would cry. I will start the first chapter. Coming soon.

twinkle.das said...

Hayden. Hayden. Hayden. First, I would like to say thank you for spelling my name correctly. It actually is easy to spell; it is spelled exactly the way it is pronounced. Secondly, Batman is not obsessed with bats. Actually, he is afraid of them. He wants his enemies to fear what he fears. And he does not wear tights. Thirdly, Wall*E does not beat Batman or Phantom.

Xander, Xander, Xander, Allie, X, Xander! Hellboy does not beat Batman, nor will he ever beat Batman. Yes, I went there. And there is a superhero called Phantom. He is a mix between Batman and the Phantom of the Opera. So, since we all know that the Phantom beats Hellboy, hands down, the superhero Phantom does too. And the superhero Phantom has a bit of Batman in him, so Batman beats Hellboy. Jk, that made no sense. (Allie, I love you, and I'm not trying to convince you to like Batman better. Even though you should. Jk, it's your opinion!)

But, Hayden and Xander, we forgot about the one superhero who beats all. He beats Hellboy, Wall*E, Phantom, Phantom and Batman. Yes, that superhero is Chuck Norris with a bebe gun. All hail Chuck.

May the force be with you.

Mrs. Duncan said...

Glad to see you're safe and sound... back from camp. M&K had a BLAST at Sugar Pine. I can't wait to hear all about it. They didn't mention anything about mutant spiders, just a mama bear and cubs.

Have you read The Twilight Prisoner yet? I'm almost finished. I am getting ready to re-read Eclipse in preparation for Breaking Dawn. I can't wait... I can't wait... I can't wait... I can't wait... I can't wait... I can't wait... I can't wait... I can't wait... I can't wait...

I can't wait...

Gitanjali- Hellboy? Ugh. His face creeps me out. His horns are way too big, and his teeth... let's just say that investing in White Smile would be a positve move for him.

I haven't seen any movies, but it sounds like the Batman movie is good. I did rent Step Up II. I liked the soundtrack, and some of the dancing was cool.

;-) g2g- kids have an ortho appointment.

xoxoxo Mrs. D.
"Edward's Favorite Teacher"

I can't wait... I can't wait... I can't wait... I can't wait... I can't wait... I can't wait... I can't wait... I can't wait...

hayden said...

Breaking Dawn
By Hayden Royster


I wasn't ready. I was in my dress, the big purple polka-dotted green one that my good friend Harry Potter bought for me just for an occasion like this. But I just wasn't ready. Edward and I, no matter how cute he was, weren't ready. We were younger than most dating people.

I've always wondered why they never had special piece for vampires in The Game of Life when you reach the spot to get married. There never was something special in the instructions that say," You may also marry a vampire, which means you can trade your salary card in for $100,000 but be warned, whenever some one spins a 5 through 10, you have to pay 20,000 to the person with the Doctor Job to heal your vampire bite." Now I know why.

I sat down in the empty pew, and tears streaked down my face. Why? Why? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY? I was in love with Edward, I really was, but what if it turned out to be some Luke Skywalker/Princess Leah thing? Would Jacob be Han Solo? And what if the Jacob is the Darth Vader in life? Is he Edward's father?

My thoughts were interrupted by quiet conversation outside the church. I recognized one voice as Edward, but there was another that was familiar. Who was Edward talking to? I snuck outside to the beautiful patio, and hid behind a bush of Venus flytraps (it was just my luck that the church gardener took a fancy to carnivorous plants) right behind a small bench where Edward and someone else sat that overlooked a large pond where Jack Sparrow (now there's a man), having captured the last of the Kraken species, decided to donate the tremendous beach. But I didn't really care about the tentacles that would rise thousands of feet and slink back into the water, because at that very moment my man was being stolen, by a little someone from a very popular Emmy Award-winning American television film

" Oh, my gosh, it's be like so long since, like, we were in that musical, in, what, oh, third grade?"

"Yes, it has been a while," Edward said shyly." Third Grade Musical, it was called. My, how time flies by."

“Yeah, yeah- say, you going out much?”

“Well, I am getting married, and so, I guess you could say-"

“Really? Great. Well, listen, how about you and I break into song right now, and you can dedicate your love to me right now? And I mean, what's marriage?"

“A lasting commitment?"

"You always were funny. Now come on! Sing!"

I had not known of this connection between Sharpay Evans and Edward. This was a shock. And the song was even worse.

“My life is brilliant.
My life is brilliant.
My love is pure.
I saw a vampire.
Of that I'm sure.
He smiled at me with all those fangs.
He was with a woman.
But I won't lose no sleep on that,
'Cause I've got a plan.
You're bloodthirsty. You're bloodthirsty. You're bloodthirsty, it's true. I saw your face in a crowded place, And I don't know what to do, 'Cause I'll never be bitten by you.”

This was too much. I could not take it. My love had shattered. I wept, and I ran. Tears streamed behind me like a trail to my broken heart. My life wasn't Star Wars, it was High School Musical. I ran across highways and deserts and small towns and concert stages where people who had T.V. shows and 3-D movies and other identities wore blond wigs sang about pumping up the party now.

And finally, I could run no more. I sat down, and finally dried my eyes. Life wasn't the same any more. I couldn't take it. I had given three novels to my Edward, and I'm rewarded by this? Ah, I just was to dive into a puddle and drown myself.

And I could. There was a puddle in front of me. It was sort of an odd place for a puddle to be, but, hey, who am I to question my death? So I got a running start, and leapt into to the air, did a nice corkscrew twist with a few backflips and a cartwheel in the air, before I dived in the water with barely a ripple. And I prepared to drown myself, and never see Edward again. But I couldn't, because this appeared to be a large puddle. Or possibly, a portal to another world. Say, Wonderland. Man, I should have read Looking Glass Wars. Edward liked it. TO BE CONTINUED...................

Anonymous said...


Hellboy is the best. Sorry, guys, but I need to make my opinions clear. He's stronger than your generic superhero, he's bright red, he's got a pyrokinetic girlfriend, he's got a bad attitude, and he's from hell! How much better do you GET than that?

But Chuck Norris does win.

twilight junkie A.K.A sydney said...

OMG that was amazing hayden!!!
you won't BELIVE what happened yesterday...Ok Deep Breath...I SAW A MOVIE POSTER OF TWILIGHT YOU KNOW THE TWINKALIE LIGHT BULBS AROUND THE BORDER!!!!!!!!!AHHHHHHHHHHHHH oh ya and I watched the dark knight all by myself AND i was popcornless...;( although it was a very good movie I was alone b cause I was with my dad and older brother and the girl who gave us are tickets said it's rated R and kids have been taking out of there in yet, I would have never seen the Twilight poster...It was destiny...

twilight junkie A.K.A sydney said...

oh the rated R movie was Step brothers BTW

Mrs. Duncan said...

Allie, Hayden, Syd...and all who read this:

Read my latest posting [Breaking Dawn predictions] for BIG news. Big. Did I mention it was BIG?

;-) xoxo Mrs. D.

PS Hayden- I got books at Comic-Con. I have the ARC for the 3rd book in the Here There be Dragons series, the ARC for the next City of Ember book, and more! Want some? Let me know!

Allie: I also received at least 8 ARCS from my friend in Arizona. They look great! I totally need readers though... ;-)

Anonymous said...


Comic-Con! Aw, I've always wanted to go to one of those. Was it awesome? After seeing the preview for the movie City of Ember, I want to read the books. Are they good?

BIG NEWS? *runrunrun*

Oh, very quickly: Hayden, this is your blog. Show yourself.

twilight junkie A.K.A sydney said...

teagan thought Hayden's story was sad....

twinkle.das said...

Comic-con must have been awesome! So many movie stars and authors were there! Glad you had fun, Mrs. Duncan.

Hayden. Wow, just wow. Nice Breaking Dawn fiction. Good enough to rival classics like Great Expectations or Three Musketeers.

Xander, I watched the press screening of The Mummy last night. It was awesome. You would love the movie if you watched the first two. Also, Dark Knight is top in the box office. Oh, and look at this. Hellboy is sixth. :) Love you, too.

Over and out!

Anonymous said...

Hellboy wins and you're just jealous and screw the box office because I don't really care.

Hayden, you little hermit, since you haven't shown your face in over a week I am going to write the rest of your fanfiction whether you like it or not.

Have a nice day.

hayden said...

I've been gone, you insensitive creeps. Hermit? Allie, I thought we had something, no matter how extremely random and odd and peculiar it was. It was called FRIENDSHIP. Gosh.( I will refrain from Napoleon Dynamite quotes)

You like the fan-a-fiction, yes? Good. Allie, I give you full permission to write the next chapterin Breaking Dawn. And I'll have you know that after we finish writing this book, all the Stephanie Mire-Myre-Meere-More-Myra-Minky-Moo- Meyer! Stephanie Meyer books will be wiped out ,and a new book will rise, "Breaking Dawn by Hayden Royster and Allie Matthews" and whoever else wants a chapter. But hurry, because this offer is only good until we finish the story.

Mrs. Duncan, I love you, you know that? You are my favorite teacher. But, let me admit that I'm a bit perturbed at your amount of books you've read. Here’s the score, not counting re-reads.

Hayden Royster : 11

Mrs. Duncan: 16

Slow down the train and the caboose catch up! I made that up. But, I also want the 3rd Here There Be Dragons book, because I love them, and I thought the City of Ember was a trilogy? Oh, no matter, I would love to read it. So, whenever I could borrow them, that would be greater than greatest. Great.

Okay, someone write chapter two. Soon.

Anonymous said...

I will, Hayden, I will.

We did have something going, there, Hayden, we really did. I'm sorry I called you a hermit, will you forgive me? I was irritated that you'd been gone for so long, I'd missed your sense of humor and it affected my mood. *sigh*

I've also been desperately missing Breaking Dawn--I lent it out to Grandma and haven't seen her in a few days. What else am I supposed to reread in my obsessive Twilight mood? New Moon? Eclipse? Nothing but the fourth will quench my hunger for the latest book.

Oh, my friend Serena and I watched HP 5 today. I've started calling everybody's favorite Hufflepuff Cedward. It is so sad.

MATHEWS. Everyone who reads this, my last name has one T. One.

The brightness of my day vanished when I heard I had to clean my room. I need a happy pill. *wail*

hayden said...

What you need, Allie Ma-T-hews( a thousand apologies spelling), is a subscription to Happiness Magazine. " Where true happiness is just a page away." You shall love it. It's amazi-wonderful. Caught myself. And write thy dangeth fan-a-fictione, ye scoundrel. It musteth be completed when thou sundiale hiteths noone of Sundae. Aye, there's the rub.

Okay, Gitanjali, I-hi. I haven't said hi in a while. Man, That was nice.This could be the start of something... cool. You know, it feels so right, To say hi to you
And now ... looking at your blog,
I feel in my heart that I should say hi more often. Saying- hi, there's not a blog that I haven't said hi to, saying- hi- sorry. My creativity got the best of me. High School Musical. Gotta love it. Except Sharpay. Because she stole Edward. Or did she? What happened after Bella fell into the puddle? *hint hint Allie*

Any way Gitanjali, I must admit, it is surpirsing.... and surprising that those statistics exist about Batman, and Hellboy, and I realize that Wall-E doesn't fit the bill. But there's a little website that gets several million hits a month, almost a thousand emails a day, and has Itunes #1 most popular podcasts. You all know it. Well, Gitanjali does. What is it?

Home-star- Run-ner!
Hooooomestarrrrrrr Runnah! Runnah!Hooooomestarrrrrrr Runnah! Runnah!
Homestar Runner, we love you!

Homestar Runner, what a guy. If you guys don't know what it is, go to, go to toons, and watch a few. Watch Strong Bad Emails, Teen Girls Squad, whatever. And tell me if he's not So Good! WHICH HE IS THE BEST!

All right, you heard it Gitanjali. Now beat Homestar. And Strong Bad. And TROGDOR THE BURNINATOR!

hayden said...

To Mrs. Duncan:

Hayden Royster's
Book-o-Rama List

A. The Land of the Silver Apples by Nancy Farmer

B. Abarat by Clive Barker

C. Left Behind by Jerry B. Jenkins and Tim LaHaye

D. Tribulation Force by Jerry B. Jenkins and Tim LaHaye

E. Nicolae by Jerry B. Jenkins and Tim LaHaye

F. Soul Harvest by Jerry B. Jenkins and Tim LaHaye

G. Apollyon by Jerry B. Jenkins and Tim LaHaye

H. Assassins by Jerry B. Jenkins and Tim LaHaye

I. Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code by Eoin Colfer

J. The Twilight Prisoner by Katherine Marsh

K. The Magic Thief by Sarah Prineas

L. Muggie Maggie by Beverley Cleary

M. The Calder Game by Blue Balliet

hayden said...

O. Fablehaven: The Rise of the Evening Star by Brandon Mull

P. The Indwelling by Jerry B. Jenkins and Tim LaHaye

I am catching up!!!!! Pardon me, I have to read.

Mrs. Duncan said...

Keep it up book boy. Make my day! ;-)

Thanks for scooting over at Islands. It was good to see you and your fam. I'm getting ready to add books to my list so watch out Mr. Royster. I did read 5 books that I didn't list [not teen reads] so I'm not counting them. That's just FYI... in case you're interested.


hayden said...

Q. The Mark by Jerry B. Jenkins and Tim LaHaye

hayden said...

R. Desecration by Jerry B. Jenkins and Tim LaHaye

Anonymous said...

I am so, sincerely sorry I haven't been on, guys, Mrs. Duncan, Hayden, I know it seems like I've been uninterested, but I've been up to my eyes in Rancho stuff. I just finished my essay on imperialism last week and finished the maps and the map questions today; I need to print everything out and finished some stuff about my summer reading book which was a bit harder to get through the second time, called Bridge of San Luis Rey. I'll...see what I can do about Bella's puddle journey. Feel free to go on without me, looks like I still have some work to do.

Incidentally, Mrs. Duncan (or Hayden, in fact, if he's interested), would you be interested in reading my essay? It's...actually not bad, for something I haven't researched much. ...maybe?

UGH, THESE BOOK LISTS MAKE ME JEALOUS. I wish I'd read that many, and I probably could have, had I not been given homework over my favorite break of the year. *pleasant pointed smile that seems more like a grimace the more one stares at it*

But enough emoing. How is everyone? Stoked for school?

Mrs. Duncan said...

Send me the essay! I would LOVE to read it!

xoxoxoxoxoxoxo Mrs. D.

hayden said...

Essay. Yes. Talk more later. Bye.

hayden said...

S. The Remnant by Jerry B. Jenkins and Tim LaHaye

twinkle.das said...

Guess who's back? Did you all miss me? Oh, who am I kidding, of course you did!

So, as you can see, I'm back after an extended absence. And no, it's not because I had a lot of homework left, for I do not procrastinate like a certain Ms. Alexandra Nicole Mathews. I was just busy.

I didn't have to write an essay on imperialism for my summer history. Actually, Allie, my history class is so much better than yours because we go through the whole entire book and take the AP test at the end of the year, yet our summer homework is so much easier than yours. Granted, I had four DQs and 10 IBs to complete, but I finished it all in one day. Anyway, can I read your essay, too? I can send you my homework, too, but it's pretty boring, seeing as it is PRE-history. Hominids and stuff. Ugh.

The books we're reading in school this year are really good, so if anyone is interested in knowing what they are, let me know! Actually, some of them you should wait until high school to read. Or at least 8th grade.

Mrs. Duncan and Hayden, I am jealous of your reading lists! I am forever in awe of your ability to read so much! The one down side of school starting is that I won't be able to read very much!

Good luck when school starts! Enjoy your last few days of summer!


Anonymous said...

I'll be sure to send you my essay, Yoda--and Mrs. Duncan, I already sent it to you, only I think it was your school address, because it said vusd.k12.something or something of the sort at the end. I'm sorry; that one is the only one I have. D:

Hayden, happy reading. I'm glad your comments are so enthusiastic these days!

I got a crudload of books from Tatum yesterday, including the much-awaited-by-me series, Vampire Kisses. I'm going to start either that or The Luxe as soon as I finish The Murder of Bindy Mackenzie...and Bridge of San Luis Rey. *sigh* Oh, and Mrs. D, have you heard of the book The Summoning? Because I must have read the first chapter of that three times but never got around to actually buying it. IT IS AMAZING SO FAR. So dark and creepy and mysterious and stuff. *evil grin*

Yoda, you're lucky you can keep your mind on one thing for that long. The only thing I can do that with is reading. *coughBREAKINGDAWNcough*

That reminds me, I want to call you, Mrs. Duncan. I don't think we ever really got around to gushing properly about that book.

hayden said...

I have to enquire ( spell checking... oh. Disappointing), or, rather, inquire, if the comment about my energetic comments a sarcastic comment, because, I 'll have to commit comment on the comment of my comments, which top notch energy, old boy.. Splendiferous. Scrumdidlyumtious, if I,um, humph, do say so myself, my dear Watson. Pip pip, off to a spot of tea, what what?

That was British impersonation No. 5. For my next act I will be Jaimacan, like dat boy who broke dah recahd in dee Ahleempics, mahn. So, Geetahnjalee, what has beehn shakin' with you? How was Breakin' Dawn, if you read, mahn? Oh, I'd rather seet in dah sun all day den see dah Breakin' Dawn, man. Okay, dis might be a bit ovahkill, mahn.

Sorry, English. Gitanjali, hi, how do you like my fan-a- fiction? And apparently, Homestar Runner beats Hellboy and Batman ( see blog #88 for full details.)

So how about those Olympics,eh?? ?


Wow. Talent, people talent. And muscles. And skill. And talent. ?
But, honestly, ping-pong?? ? ?????
? ?????? ? ?
I know, they make it sound all official, " TABLE TENNIS" but we all know it's ping pong. The Olympics is supposed to be athletic. And you lose one pound from playing 12 hours of ping pong. So, not much athleticsm going on there. And Table Tennis just makes it sound like your on a giant table with a tennis court. You know, a table fifty feet high. So, I'm thinking, why not Foosball? ?? ??? ? ? ??


I mean, we've already ruined the idea of athletes, so why not play, " TABLE SOCCER." There could 1 on 1, 2 0n 2. Or, what would be eveen better, "HUMAN FOOSBALL." You're attached to these bars, your arms are to tied to your side, your legs tied together, wa-Bam. Bob Costas would bee like,
" Now I'm here with the goalie for the American Foosball Team. So tell be, Phil, what's it like having a giant bar going through you guys for the entire Olympic games?"

So, yeah. That's my idea of the Olympic games. And why that kind of Handball? ?? ? ?????????????? ?
We should have agiant brick wall to play the kind people play at school. And Rollerblading. that would be good.

Essay sound fantastic, Allie, old chum. How about you drop by for a nice spot 'o' tea one of these days guvnah? ??? ???? ???? ? ? ? >


twinkle.das said...

Hayden, no offense, but those were probably the worst fake accents I've ever, read.
Anyway, I haven't read Breaking Dawn. And, the Olympics rock, but mostly the SWIMMING. Michael Phelps is like a mini Poseidon and my sports hero, though he does look like an ape/werewolf.
Homestar does not beat Batman (Hellboy, though, that's a different story). Homestar has no arms. But, Trogdor...still doesn't beat Batman, but he is awesome.

Allie, what do you mean by me staying focused on something for so long? I mean, what were you talking about when you said that?

That's all for now, folks!

Gitanjali (Burninating the countryside)

Anonymous said...

Not yet read Breaking Dawn? You sicken me.

But, all I meant by staying focused on something for so long is how you managed to do all that schoolwork in a day. I could never focus on anything like that. I'm easily distracted. "Cleaningupmyroomcleaningupmyroomcleaning I'm suddenly hungry." *walks calmly out of still messy room to get a cookie* "Eatingeatingeatingcleaningupmroomcleaningupmyroomcleaningupmy I need music." *leaves to get iPod and never returns*

I applaud you.

Impersonations are always entertaining, Mr. Hayden Who Has Finally Come Out of Hermitdom and Left Us a Comment Unrelated to a Book He's Read...and the Alphabet. :D My comment, for the record, was...half sarcastic and half...okay, it was sarcastic, but in a good way. *sigh* I don't really get half of what I say these days. But if your family could handle how disorienting I've been lately, I would love to drop by for a spot of tea and crumpets and other distinctly English stuff. I've missed the Roysters this summer.

Human Table Soccer. I LIKE IT. "It's sometimes a bit frustrating, you know, to have a bar going through my waist every minute of my life, trying to get through doorways and walk through halls and such, but it always pays off when it's time for the games."

Hellboy, ftw. Which means "for the win." Which is all I'm saying.

Mrs. Duncan. Still have to call you. Forgive me, I've been neglecting the calling of all those I need to call lately.

This is shaping up to be one long comment. And comment is starting to be a really weird word.

Anonymous said...



Not disorienting. Disoriented.


hayden said...

Okay, so let's skip comment. Go straight for "legacy." Because that's what we're leaving everytime we blog on this wonder blog. We're leaving a legacy. Oh, and congrats Allie. Here is my gift unto you for your one hundred-dom.

Here's a little song I wrote,
you might want to sing it note for note,

don't worry, be one hundred

in every life we are some number,
when you 100 you make it better,
don't worry, be one hundred

don't worry, be one hundred now
don't worry, be one hundred
don't worry, be one hundred
don't worry, be one hundred
ain't got no blog to comment-

Okay. That still doesn't get old, but it's reached it's midlife crisis. Soon it will be

Here's a little song I wrote
You might not want to sing it note for note

Don't ever, sing this song

In every life there is a joke
But this joke has gone broke
Don't ever, sing this song

Don't ever, sing this song now
Don't ever, sing this song
Don't ever, sing this song
Don't ever, sing this song

Poor Bobby. He never knew that we would use his song to the breakin' point.

Gitanjali, i've puled the winning card on the winner for the little duel that has been going on since the 18th of July. So I propose that we all say that winner has to be.............................. ?


I'll leave you with that thought.

hayden said...

T. Armageddon by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins

twinkle.das said...

Hayden, first of all, I don't think you are the winner because 1) you spelled "pulled" wrong and 2) You DO NOT wear a bat mask, and try to instill the same fear into your enemies that scares you. And secondly, Bobby is very disappointed in you. Not only did you plagiarize his song once, you did it a second time, then followed by a third time. CHOOSE A DIFFERENT SONG.

X, you know, if you really want to focus on cleaning your room, just put it off until you have ABSOLUTELY nothing else to do. Then you won't have to worry about getting side tracked!

For anyone who wants to know, I recently read To Kill a Mockingbird and I loved it. It was amazing. Currently, I'm reading A Separate Peace and it is really good. I started it this morning, and I'm already have way through it.

Good luck on the first day of school! Xander, I'll see you on Monday!

You know you love me. XOXO.

twinkle.das said...

I meant half. Not have. What is wrong with me?!?

Anonymous said...

You seem to have the same disorientedness as myself, Yoda, dear.


My room is, officially, clean. I would have said that two weeks ago, but then I started doing homework, and it turned into a slight mess again. But now it's DONE AND I'LL NEVER HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT IT UNTIL I AM GIVEN MY FIRST HOMEWORK ON MONDAY.

I'll try that put it off until I have nothing else to do suggestion, however, whenever I have a huge project ahead of me; thanks, Yoda, daaaahling. :D

Serena LOVED To Kill a Mockingbird. I can't wait to start reading it.

hayden said...

Well, folks the day has come. In 9 weeks in which we've left 106 "legacies" on this blog. But it's time. We must go back to the real world. It's a cruel world, and not everyone has a sanctuary where we can go and argue about Batman and Hellboy and Hayden Royster. Because, the fact is, not everybody is as bodacious as us. And we need to keep the vibe going. So folks, thank you for joining us on an exciting season of" Blogging With Hayden," and don't change that channel, because we need you guys. So, I've decided to write a song.

here's a little song I wrote
you might want to sing it, note for note

don't worry, keep bloggin'

Just kiddin'. I've decided not to overuse that classic, so, I'll abuse a new hip single that will forever honor a little girl who loves Winnie the Pooh and the color black.

Hey There Bloggers

Hey there bloggers
Have you had a great summer?
I'm sitting at my computer
And I don't want to go back to school
But I will
Because I'm gonna see cool people like you
I swear it's true

Hey there bloggers
Don't you worry about talkin'
I'm right there if you get lonely
Give this blog another lookin'
Close your eyes
Goin' on this blog, it's my sanctuary
I'm on the blog

Oh, don't forget to blog
Oh, don't forget to blog
Oh, don't forget to blog
Don't forget to blog

Hey there bloggers
I know you're going to high school
But just believe me, we will
Be connected through an awesome blog
We'll have it good
We'll have a blog that rules the world
My blog is good

Hey there bloggers
I've got so much left to say
If every simple song I wrote to you
Made any sense at all
I'd write it all
You better still be bloggin' in the fall
Or I'll give you a call

Oh, don't forget to blog
Oh, don't forget to blog
Oh, don't forget to blog
Oh, don't forget to blog

A thousand miles seems pretty far
But they've got planes and trains and blogs
I'd blog even if I went to Hawaii
Our friends would all make fun of us
and we'll just laugh along because we know
That we're makin' fun of them as well
Bloggers I can promise you
That by the time we get through
The blog will have more legacies that Greece
And we're to blame

Hey there bloggers
You be good and don't you miss me
Two more years and I'll be in your school
And I'll be making history like I do
You'll know it's all because of blogs
We can do whatever we want to
Hey there bloggers here's to you
This blog's for you

Oh, don't forget to blog
Oh, don't forget to blog
Oh, don't forget to blog
Oh, don't forget to blog
Don't forget to blog

Anonymous said...


Today marks what may perhaps be the last day of leisurely blogging from Allie Mathews. For now, in about twenty minutes, she will be starting life as frosh.

I would like to thank all of my friends who have ever blogged on this site, for keeping me sane whenever I checked my email and found nothing but "INSERTNAMEHERE has left a comment on 'Hayden's Summer Blog'", and Mrs. Duncan, who gave me a chance to keep in touch and gush about books we loved, Yoda, for revealing all the reasons that Hellboy is better than Batman, and the creator-namesake-dude of this blog, the one and only Hayden Royster, whose dedication and creativity sparked the 108 comments on this lovely place.

Dad's calling.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


HOW IS THE NEW VAPA?! With your NEW PRINCIPAL? Anyone besides Mrs. Duncan met her yet? Dude, seriously, guys, don't discontinue this blog, I miss it. Like I'd mentioned before in my faux goodbye, this is one of the only things that keeps me sane.

I heard PE is after lunch for 8th graders. D: What a joke. As if anyone could exercise properly after eating. Although, I'm doing cross country sixth period at Rancho, so I guess I'm a-feeling the same pain. Only worse. We're running four miles tomorrow, innthatgreat?!


But seriously, fellow children, if you're not going to the new school that's opening (which I just learned I'm not going to be able to go to--LAME), go to Rancho. It's better. Even though it's huge. Guys, there are vending machines.




Anonymous said...

So, is this dead? I mean, if it is possible, is this therefore a deceased blog? And if it is, will I be the only one at the procession? Not even Hayden, it's namesake, or Mrs. Duncan, the creator, or any of the other ever-faithful-until-now subscribers?

hayden said...

You are right to think this, ma'am. And I do not believe it is dead. It is merely going thorough another stage of metamorphosis, because, in all senses this is the same old Spring Break blog we fell in love with so many months ago. But I have an announcemet. I would like to make an announcement. Here's the announcement.Lights please. Or, caps lock, please.














That's right, for just 3 purchases of $19.94 and possibly a cent, you can start all over again in the third installment of," Hayden and the Bloggers," with classics like,






And so much more. So blog on this blog now, folks, because it will become a new one very soon.

So folks, yup. Allie, the blog is never gone, and it never was. It's just remodeling. Don't worry. I'll still write Breaking Dawn. And I'm thinking about writing the script for " Twilight: The Movie: 3D!:In I-MAX!!!!!!

So farewell, summer. we loved you. Who can say if we've been changed for the better, but because we knew you, because we KNEW you, we have been changed for goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo(Mrs. Duncan, cue for new blog) ooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Anonymous said...


Ah, Wicked. Just for anyone who wants to know, I'm painting myself completely green this Halloween. Either that, or I'll be, like, a corpse bride, because I'm suddenly obsessed with that movie.

Anonymous said...

You know, poll time.

Should Allie be:
a) Elphaba from Wicked, or the Wicked Witch of the West from Wizard of Oz, if you so choose to call her by this widely regarded and completely WRONG name;
b) The Corpse Bride, because I've actually never worn a wedding dress, much less a torn-up one;
c) or Angel from RENT, complete with total not matching clothing, short black wig, and big black boots.


twilight junkie A.K.A sydney said...

hey guys!!!I'm sorry I've been busy...doing stuff... anyway I'm here now and wanted to drop bye and say hi I'm to lazy to read all the comments so just tell me wats been going on??!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Hayden!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Hayden, I never knew before your trip to my house today that your birthday was in the same month as mine.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CHAP! *holds out a massive book-shaped present tauntingly* But you'll have to wait until Saturday to see your present (and my Hayden costume) that I have slightly planned.

hayden said...

Wow. Boy leaning on large wall of strawberries. What does it mean? Is it a sign? Strawberry walls forever? Bad pun, bad pun.

Well, now you know Allie. Life's an adventure. Any woh, Zip( Delilah) what a chatterbox you are. So much to say Delilah, with 3 WHOLE WORDS. Broke a record there. Though it's the the thought dat counts. Syd, you have an attention span of apparently two comments. Cheez. Cheez, Grommit. Aha-ha, Mr. zaitz said that today. We were filming in the lab, and Rita's all like, "Jeez," and Mr. Zaitz, says," Cheese, Grommit. " Cause of Wallace and Grommit, you know. Never mind. Grumble grumble/unworldly children/grumble grumble/ wouldn't know a reference to something if it killed them/ grumble grumble- SEAWEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oKAY, LET ME EXPLAIN. WHOA, bye bye caps lock.

Okay, let me explain. In Cantor class. Doing spelling packet. Shows little cartoon guys. On a boat, you know, and we had to fill in the blanks with speelling words. Like the guy says," At least there was no danger from a______. So we put in killer whale. So all of a sudden, as I'm doing my work, Delilah sings," I hope we don't get tangled in the sea-weed!" Which was kinda like the guy who said," We might get tangled in the underwater seaweed." So we have taken it as our inside joke, saying"Seaweed!" So, yah.

By the way, someone better write Chapter Two. Cause I'm moving onto Twilight: The Movie.

Here's a small scene:


( Bella looks at Edward. Edward chuckles) Edward: I said we were out of gas.

Bella: So what are we gonna do now?

(Cut to them walking at night) Bella: I'm sorry I didn't believe you.
Edward: Can I ask you something?
Bella: What?
Edward: You know I like you, don't you?
Bella: Yes.
Edward: And I hope you like me... the way I like you.
Edward: I was wondering'd be my girl.
Bella: Oh Michael.
Edward: It's Edward.
Bella: Whatever.
(they hug, then pull away. Edward pulls out a ring)
Bella: It's beautiful.
Edward:Now it's official.(he pauses) There's something I wanna tell you.
Bella: Yes Mich-Edward?
Edward: I'm not like other guys.
Bella: of course not. That's why I love you.
Edward: No, I mean I'm different.
Bella: What are you talking about?
(The moon comes out from behind a cloud. Edward starts having convulsions)
Bella: Are you alright?
( Edward looks up, a (bloodthirsty look in his eye)
Edward: Get away!
(Cuts to crowded movie theater, Edward and Bella in front row, watching movie of themselves)
Bella( Looks at Edward) Can we get out of here?
Edward: Not, I'm enjoying this.
Bella: Well, I can't watch.(gets up)
Edward: It's only a movie.
Bella; it's not funny.
Edward: You were scared, weren't you?
Bella: I wasn't that scared.

Tune in for more.

hayden said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hayden said...



(1st man takes arrow, sucks on it, then falls over dead)
2nd man: It's poisonous. They have been following us.
3rd man: They would have killed us already.
(they continue following Edward. Words flash across the screen, SOUTH AMERICAN, 1936)
(Edward pulls out a map. 2nd man pulls out a gun and cocks it. Edward whirls around and whips the 2nd man. 2nd man runs off, screaming)
(Edward walks up a hill, and comes to the entrance of a cave. Only 3rd man is with him)
Edward: This is it. This is where Jacob cashed in. ( takers sand and sticks it in a bag.)
3rd man: A friend of yours?
Edward: A competitor. He was good. He was very, very good.
3rd man: Senor, nobody has come out of there alive. Please...
(Edward enters the cave, filled with spiderwebs, until he reaches a larged domed cavern)
3rd man: Senor...
( Edward has 5 tarantuals on his back. He looks at them, picks the m up one by one and sucks there blood. He motions for 3rd man to turn, who has at least 40. Edward shoves them in his mouth)
( they move on, Edward leading, 3rd man behind)
Edward: Stop. Stay out of the light.
( He slowly creeps in the shadows, avoiding the giant hole with light shining through in the roof of the tunnel. He slowly puts his hand up, and spears shot out of the wall, with a man speared with it)
Speared man: My stomach hurts.
Edward: Can't help ya.
( Cut to a large gap, where, Edward uses his whip to swing from a lof hanging over it to get across. The 3rd man does the same, but branch collapses, and edward reaches out and grabs him)
( They turn the corner, where the golden idol that can cure Edward's vamiprism lays on a stone table thin.)
3rd man: We must hurry. There is nothing to fear here.( He starts forward, but Edward whips him in the back.)
3rd man: What the heck!
Edward:This one scares me.( he kneels down, and touches a diamond made of dirt. A dart flies out of a face carved in the wall)
Speared guy: ( walking in the path of the dart) Hey guys, I finally got free from the-( the dart sticks in his side) crud.
(Edward stands up, and looks at 3rd guy) Edward stay here.
3rd guy: If you insist, senor.
(Edwad avoids the diamonds carefully, and hops up to the pedestal where the idol resides on a raised part)
( he takes out the bag of sand, and crefully replaces the idol with the bag)
( As he turns to walk away, the bag on the raised part of the pedestal sinks. ( The temple begins to collapse)
( He runs and comes to the gap, where 3rd guy has already swung across)
Edward: Hand me the whip.
3rd guy: Throw me the idol.( he looks behind, a vertical stone door thats closing quickly, almost trapping them.)
(Edward tosses the idol)
Edward: Throw me the whip.
3rd guy: Adios, senor.( he goes under the closing door)
(Edward takes a running leap, and nearly makes it, but catches it right at the edge. He scramles up, wheen the door has barely a sliver left, slides under, grabs his phedora just in time)
( turns the corner, comes face to face with 3rd man, spreared ) 3rd man:My tummy hurts.
(Edward leaves, and looks up, where a giant ball comes frolling out of. Speared guy runs out)
Speared guy: Hey, dude why are running away? Man I-( the giant ball rolls over him and keeps going)
(Edward keeps running until he's out of the cave, where he's surrounded by people with arrows.)
Jacob: Doctor Jones. Again we-
Edward: It's Cullen.
Jacob: Doctor Cullen, again we see there is nothing you possess that I cannot take away. And you thought I'd given up. You chose the wrong friends this time it will cost you. Give me the idol. (Edward hands it to him) It looks like, Dr. Jo-Cullens, I will be a werewolf no longer with this idol, but you will be a vampire for all eternity.
Edward: Crap.

Anonymous said...

Oh, no.

Now I'm going to have nightmares of Edward singing Thriller. Thank you, Hayden. Happy birthday.


Anonymous said...

And your definition of "dude leans against wall of strawberries" is actually a shot from "Across the Universe," one of my favorite movies. Anyone who hasn't already seen must see it within the month. For the September babies' sakes.


hayden said...

That last one was a scene directly from Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark.If you're so ignorant as to not know that. Though I changed a bit.

Anonymous said...

Yes, well, you changed it AFTER I added my comment, which just before now I spelled with three m's. FAIL

hayden said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hayden said...



Mom: Bella, it's time to stop reading. It's New Years Eve.
Bella: But mom, I'm almost done,I
Mom: The teen party? Come on, I've laid out your best clothes.
Bella: Can I have my book back?
( Mom hand the book back to her, which Bella promptly smacks her mom on the with)
Bella: Thank you.
Mom(gets up) : Come on.
(cut to Edward and Dad working on basket ball)
Dad: Keep working left, come on. You gotta guard that championship game more than we expected.
Edward: Dad, I want to bite your neck.
Dad: No time for blood, son, move,move, move!
Mom: Boys, did we really fly all this way to play basketball?
Edward and Dad: Yeah.
Mom: It's the last night of vacation. The party, remeber?(she twirls around)
Edward: Whoa, whoa, mom. What's with the twirl. Kinda freakin' me out.
Mom: Troy they have a kid's party downstairs in freestyle club.
Edward: Kid party? Fresh blood...
Mom: Young adults. Now go, shower up.
Edward: One more, real quick.
Mom: Fine.
(Edward walks spins around, and throws it over Dad, who does nothing to stop it)
Dad: Nice play, nice play.
Edward: Dad, you did, like nothing-
Dad: Go to the party now.
Edward: you call that a block, I mean-
Dad: NOW.
( cut to party, Edward walking through a bunch of people looking uncomfortable. He goes up to a girl with a Hillary Clinton mask)
Edward: Excuse me, may I bite you?
Girl: Ew, get away freak.
(meanwhile, Bella sits down on a couch and begins to read again)
(Cut to announcer on stage)Announcer: Who's gonna rock the house next? Huh?
(Gets down from the stage and begins to start looking for singers)
(Lights shine Bella and Edward)
Announcer: You and you, come on.
( People push Bella and Edward up to the stage)
Announcer: Hey, you know what, someday, you guys may thank me for this.
(Edward bites the guy on the neck)
Announcer: Or not.

Edward: Living in my own world
Didn't understand
That anything can happen
When you take a chance
Bella:I never believed in
What I couldn't see
I never opened my heart (Edward: ooh)
To all the possibilities (Edward:ooh)
Edward and Bella: I know that something has changed
Never felt this way
And right here tonight

Edward and Bella: This could be the start
Of something new
It feels so right
To be here with you (ooh)
And now looking in your eyes
I feel in my heart (feel in my heart)
Edward: I want to bite you......

( Crowd cheers)
(cut to outside)
Edward: But seriously, you are a singer, right? You have an amazing voice.
Bella: Just church choir is all. I tried a solo and nearly fainted.
Edward; Really? Why's that?
Bella: Well, I'd eaten a lot of teryaki chicken, and everybody was eating it and...
Edward: TMI.
Bella: Right, well, you sounded like you've done a lot of singing too.
Edward: Yeah, sure my victims are very interested as I sing over their bitten bodies. And my showerhead too.
Bella: Okay...
( Countdown begins, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6,5 ,4 ,3, 2, 1! Happy New Year!)Edward: You know, in my culture, we bite each other on New Years.
Bella: Yeah, I guess I better find my mom and wish her a happy New year.
Edward: Yeah, me too.
(They both walk off to find their moms)

Anonymous said...

hey people of earth,even if only mrs.duncan reads this,whatever, i just want whoever reads this to know how AWESOME the book bound was. it is about a girl named xing xing who lives in a small village in historical china. its sort of a cinderella story. the girl is treated like trash by her stepmother who was given care of xing xing after her mom and dad died. xing xing also has an ungrateful step sister who also treats her like trash. xingxing's step sister is getting her feet bound (here comes the title) so that she can marry, and when xing xing goes to a party and leaves behind a slipper, her prince comes after her. the ending is for you to read, so who ever in the universe reads this comment,go out and buy bound by donna j napoli today, or tommorow, or what do I care as long as you buy it! :]

♥hugs and kisses♥
-Andres C.

Anonymous said...

hey people of earth,even if only mrs.duncan reads this,whatever, i just want whoever reads this to know how AWESOME the book bound was. it is about a girl named xing xing who lives in a small village in historical china. its sort of a cinderella story. the girl is treated like trash by her stepmother who was given care of xing xing after her mom and dad died. xing xing also has an ungrateful step sister who also treats her like trash. xingxing's step sister is getting her feet bound (here comes the title) so that she can marry, and when xing xing goes to a party and leaves behind a slipper, her prince comes after her. the ending is for you to read, so who ever in the universe reads this comment,go out and buy bound by donna j napoli today, or tommorow, or what do I care as long as you buy it! :]

♥hugs and kisses♥
-Andres C.

Anonymous said...

hey people of earth,even if only mrs.duncan reads this,whatever, i just want whoever reads this to know how AWESOME the book bound was. it is about a girl named xing xing who lives in a small village in historical china. its sort of a cinderella story. the girl is treated like trash by her stepmother who was given care of xing xing after her mom and dad died. xing xing also has an ungrateful step sister who also treats her like trash. xingxing's step sister is getting her feet bound (here comes the title) so that she can marry, and when xing xing goes to a party and leaves behind a slipper, her prince comes after her. the ending is for you to read, so who ever in the universe reads this comment,go out and buy bound by donna j napoli today, or tommorow, or what do I care as long as you buy it! :]

♥hugs and kisses♥
-Andres C.

hayden said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hayden said...

Excuse me sir, but who are you? Andres. Are you in Zoom? Are you going for the whole emo look? Do you like Delila's necklace? Do you think your blog is better than mine, brthr, sistr, OMG, hugs and kisses, all that ztuff, bff to bff, zweet! Just playin brother, you dig hip cat, can you take the grove, feel the vibe, give me some skin of the flip side, daddy cat, yo! Okay, it's just banter. And what is Shuga? Sound's like a rock band.

" And, with just 3 payments of 99.95, you can get this classics from the legendary little-known band, Shuga, with hit singles like






By the way, I read you blog, and who's this Adrianna? Sounds friendly?

" Im sorry Bella," Edward sighed," but I've fallen for Adrianna. I just love her hair. Bff to bff, you know. That ztuff."

Twilight. Gotta love it. But seriously, if you want Adrianna, don't go all Super Cuts on her. There's a dance coming up you know. Even if you are just bffs, slow dances... Okay. I'm kinda freakin' myself out. Breath of freash air.... meditation.... short break......

Got it. Yeah. You know I was joking right? I'm sorry. Is she in high literacy? Just tewll me, and this whole blog never happened. So buddy, if you are who I think you are, or you're not, give me a wave when when you can. I'm Hayden. you'll hear my name. YOU'LL KNOW ME.

Love ya people of the earth,

Hayden the Royster

I can't end like that. It's banter, buddy. I'm joking. I would never end like that. If that's the way you blog, cool. Can't wait to know you.

See you people of the earth. Or, the Hotel California. Such a lovely place, such a pretty face, you can never leave.

hayden said...

Oh yes, and capitalize, shuga. Grammar.

Anonymous said...

We are literate beings here, as you may already have noticed... to some extent, anyway.

Welcome, Andres who I don't know but would like to meet! Already I like your taste in books. I loved Bound. It was really good, but then I lent it to someone and never got it back...there are no renters or borrowers in the world. Or something along those lines. *shrug* Sound smart, quote the Bard.

Edward, how could you.

And Hayden--still on edge for the Twilight-Juno spoof. Life is still an adventure, even though I don't see you three times a week anymore.

Anonymous said...

Greetings. Hayden I've died of laughing, wait is that possible for a immortal? Well anyways... do I even have to explain to you why I'm almost rolling on the ground laughing Hayden???! Allie I
LOVE Jude! One of the BEST movies. Love your "Twilight" story Hayden. Like Oh My Goth! The Jonas brothers are like so totally HOT. Just Joking!!! Hayden you have to blog on my blog


hayden said...

Delila, Delila, how is death? Sorry. So, you must had like a wicked time at the dance, cause I saw your moves. Basically, the only move that I saw, or, action, was : out of chair, stand around, sit down. Stand up, walk around, sit down in chair, freak small 6th graders out by lurking in darkness.

Allie, shuga, was up girl, how you been doin, idk, my bff jill, zweet, get dat dirt, wassup girl, omg, jk, jk ,jk ,jk ,jk ,jk. This Andres guy has some interesting traits. You, know, this is the guy woh's " going for the whole emo look," from Delila's story( hey there Delila.). You know, right?????????? ??? ?????????

? ???? ? ?


Never get tired of that. Zweet as shuga.

Anonymous said...

THAT WAS SO FUNNY. Sorry, but it was just--aw, man. So good.

I AM IN SUCH A GOOD MOOD RIGHT NOT IT IS NOT EVEN FUNNY. However I will not mention why because then I would sound like some idiot gushing about nevermind. I'm just happy. ^^

Delilah, immortality suits you.

*dances for an undisclosed reason*

I can't wait for homecoming. Serena said she's going to krump. I have to see that.

twinkle.das said...

Hi Everybody!

I'm back! Did you miss me? Wait, why am I even asking that, of course you did!

High school has been pretty hectic, but not as hectic as most people say. Actually, I'm having a lot of fun. History is really boring, but I'm in AP so my class is really small. We could like yell across the room, and our teacher would just somehow incorporate whatever we just said into what we are studying. Like if someone says, "Hey Joe, ready for the football game?" our teacher would be like, "And what is the most important thing that came out of the Zhou (pronounced Joe) Dynasty?"

That was pretty confusing, huh? Well, let's just say that my classes are awesome, except for PE, but history is still boring.

How is life at VAPA? Pretty quiet, right, without Allie and I there to wreak havoc.

I miss all of you, and I hope to see you all sometime!

May the force be with you,

hayden said...

Oh, G2G ( your new nane Gitanjali)
don't worry about havoc here at VAPA, because I'm still at the school. You should see the havoc I wreak. Like, today, there was a piece of trash on the ground, and I purposely did not pick it up. And in class the other day, the teacher said," What you tell me about three?" And I'm all,"Three's a magic number." And then, I've been picking up water bottles that aren't mine, AND DRINKING THEM. We got you covered here. School is so not(Not)not(Not) boring. I like Mrs. Coclough.

Did I do it? Did I do it? Yes! I spelled it right. Cyber-five, everyone. Even you Andrez. Dude, how can you crozz out all s's and make em z's? That'z zorta freakz me out, you know what I'm zaying, zhuga? But hey, it'z good to have another guy on here, buddy. Z.

We need the humor Allie. We don't need drab boring livez where we flit about with humor whatzoever. So please, enlighten uz on that little thing that made you zo happy.

♥hugs and kisses♥

Hayden Royzter

Anonymous said...

History, boring? Surely not, when you're with Mr. Bauer, who thinks homework is a waste of time. *pumps fist in air*

VAPA won't be the same without us walking the halls singing Temptations and Phantom songs at the top of our lungs. Try to hold on, guys!

I like Rancho. It's fun ^^ Incidentally, Yoda, has the latest drama concerning yours truly reached your ears yet?

If not...I'm emailing you.

twinkle.das said...

Allie! No, email me. I do not know the drama. bad, bad boy.

Allie, you are so lucky you have the easy history class! Aren't the first few chapters SO boring, though?

Ms. Colclough is awesome Hayden. You spelled her name wrong, BTW.

G2G stands for got to go. NOT Gitanjali.

Anyway, g2g!

hayden said...

I want the drama, Allie. Though I don't pry. Much. Colclough.
Did I do it? Did I do it? Yes! Cyber five- never mind. Sup, G2G. Allie, are you amayzing? Life is an adventure.Tieaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!
Okay, Delila spelled "tied" wrong in a spelling test, and instead wrote " tiead." So, with the creativity invested in me, I designed a furry moster with horns and claws, named," Tiead." Long story short, Delila loves it, and has written it over every possible surface. And screams( space space),
everywhere she goeth. That looks like goth, doesn't it? Yeah. Suits you, Delila.

Well folks, you wanted it. So here it is. The new scene from, Twilight:The Movie:In I-Max:In 3-D!



Narrator: The scene you are about to see is extremely unpleaseant. If you wish to see a movie about a happy little elf, I'm sure there is still pleanty of seating in theater number two. However, if you like stories about clever, and reasonably attractive children, suspicious fires, carnivorous leeches, Italian food, and secret orginazations, then stay. But you will only get the first two. I will retrace the steps of each and one of the Baudelaire children's woeful steps. Or, rather, Swan children. My name, is Lemony- Hayden Royster, rather, and it is my sad duty to documet this tale.

( cut to Bella)

Narrator: Vi-Bella Swan, the eldest, was one of the finest, oh, teengae invetors in all the world. Anyone who knew Bella well could tell she was inventing something, when her long hair was tied up in a ribbon.
( Cut to a a marble rolling down a tube, and inot a platform, from which the weight lifts up a small piece of chees to a rat, who carries it to a grilled cheese sandwhich.)
Narrator: In a world of abandoned items and discarded materials, Violet always knew there was sometihng to invent. And no one was better at testing things than her brother, Klaus.
( Show him eating grilled cheese sandwhich, and writing down his thoughts on notebook. Then his picks up a book)
Narrator: Klaus Swan, the middle child, loved books. Or rather, the thing he learned from books.
( Show him climbing up ladder to get books from high shelf)
Narrator: The Swan parents had an enormous library in their masoin, a room filled with thousands of books, on nearly every subject. And nothing pleased Klaus more than filling up his head with their contents. And everything he read, he remembered.
( Show sunny biting a piece of wood)Narrator: Sunny, the youngest, had a diffent interest. She liked to bite things, and had four sharp teeth. There was very little that sunny did not enjoy biting.
(Cut to family sitting in living room)
Narrator: Sunny was at an age where she spoke in unintelleigible shrieks. For instance
Sunny: Gag ga!
Narrator: Which probalby meant; Shut your mouth you loser, or, nice shoes, or, have fun a Briny Beach, Bella.
Narrator: On this paticular day, if it had been that Bella had Sunny with her, it would have meant, What is theat mysterious figure emerging out of the fog, or, What is a banker like Mr. Poe doing at Briny Beach?
Mr. Poe: Bella, I'm afraid I must inform you of an extremely unfortunate event. I'm sorry to tell you this, but your parents and siblings has perished in a fire that destroyed your entire home.
Narrator: If you have ever lost someone very important to you, then you know how it feels. And if you haven't, screw you.
( cut to burned mansion, Bella walking in the ruins)
Narrator: No one knows the exact cause of the Baudelaire fire. Or, the Swan fire, too. My colleaugues and I have tried, but all we've discovered is that the blaze was started at a great distance through a fraction and convergence of light. And within a moment the mansion was in flames.
( Bella walks around picking up things of her families and dropping them) Narrator:And as mysterious as the cause of the blaze, even more mysteries began to unfold before her eyes, doors left unopened.
Narrator( Bella walking out of mansion): And just like that, the Baud-Swan child, became the Swan orphan. I tried to warn you. It's not to late to see a film about a happy litle elf.
( Mr. Poe in car, with Bella in back of car)
Mr. Poe: Now, as Chief Officer as Mulchary Management, and the executor of you parents estate, it is my legal obligation to take care of your money, until you come of age, and to place in the care of your closest relative. So I'm taking you to live with your dear grandmother, and cousins Napoleon and Kip, who resides here in the city just 37 blocks away.
Bella: I don't think that's what closest is supposed to mean. We don't know a Count Olaf.
Mr.Poe: Yes, yes, of course you do. He's either your third cousin four times removed or you fourth- why are we talking about a Count Olaf? I'm taking you to Grandma's.
Bella: Just came to mind.
Mr. Poe: You should count yourself lucky, children.
Bella: It's just me.
Mr. Poe: This sort of genorostiy is rare in a person of her proffesion.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see what you do next.

The drama should not be mentioned here. What's your email, out of curiosity?

hayden said...

Let's see. How can I do this subtly and creatively? I know. For Allie.

H is for happy

A is for awesome

Y is for you love me

D is for dang special

E is for eclectic

N is for not stupid

R is for Royster at heart

E is for E-resistable

A is for awfully great

D is for dang... cool

S is for special

A is for always here to blog

L is for life is an adveture

O is for... O so... Hayden

T is for tubular



That spells.................., oh,


Why?????? ?? ? ????? ?



Anonymous said...


You deserve a candy for that. You do.

And I'll email you. Just don't spread the news around...

hayden said...

I don't want no candy. I want... book. Signed copy of Brisngr by Christopher Paolini. Deserve that, don't I?

twinkle.das said...

Hayden, don't we all want a signed copy of Brisingr? I wish I had the time to read it! You read it for me, then tell me how it is, aight?

Allie, in my last entry, when I said that you have the easy history class, I meant in terms of homework. You are so lucky Mr. Bauer 'does not believe in homework.' We have to do all these IBs and notes for every chapter, and we do one chapter a week, plus a test every Monday, and an essay every two weeks. But, lucky for you (sarcasm) you have to do history day!

Mrs. Duncan, how are you? How is your new class at VAPA so far? I hope you are doing well, and I hope we can come visit some time!

Talk to yall later!

Anonymous said...


I want to do something fresh!--new!--edgy!--controversial!--that will make Mr. Bauer proud. :D I've been on the edge of my seat every day waiting for a good long debate.

UGH. The history AP homework sounds suckish. *hugs* Who else is in AP that I know?

Mrs. Duncan, you must tell us about your new class, daaahling.

hayden said...

Where are ya'll? I miss you!

Anonymous said...


I finished that DANG FRICKIN' LAB that was due today that I spent HOURS ON LAST NIGHT and, as a result, didn't get to bed until MIDNIGHT.

Hey, Hayden! :D

twinkle.das said...

Wuzzup!? I'm back from the land of the quiet as the 150th blogger on this blog! How is everyone? Good? That's nice.

Hayden, Allie told you her drama, right? Isn't that so cool!

Allie, I approve.

I'm so excited for the Science Olympiad competition! I'm going to try out for competing in the Health Science division.

Hope everyone is having a good time at school. Hope to see you all soon!


Anonymous said...

Oh, the drama is becoming routine now. *sighs* But that doesn't mean I'm not still in an amazing mood.

SO GITANJALI'S BACK! Yoda, I'm really not sure where everyone went. They all fell of the earth or were eaten by the idiots of Garry's Mod or something.

SCIENCE OLYMPIAD COMPETITION? LIKE THE ONE IN HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL?! Can I go? You'll do great. I believe in you. *thumbs-up, big hug*

Ohey! 151! Feel privileged, Hayden.

hayden said...

♪ 151 comments, exhausting just to think about. ♪
♪ How can we face 151 comments?
♪ The thought of all those comments makes me weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeak!!!! ♪

Please be seated.

How about that song, huh Allie? You may gush praise, but not yet.

Well, folks, after computer restriction, I am back, I tell you, BACK! This blog has sort of dwindeled into a place reserved for Myspace. No more, I say. In fact, we may have some young bloods to liven up you mature middle schoolers who talk about your classes all the live long day. Doo-dah-day. Oh the doo-dah-day, oh the doo-dah-day, campfire songs and what not, oh the doo-dah-day.

So, I no my absence has been a severe blow to yor hears and/or brains, but I assure you, no harm has befallen me. Besides blog and book restriction. Which is harm enough. Very. Harm. Enough.

So, folks, it's time for the random word of the day. Or not.

Question: What if Obama and MCain suddenly realized that they were childhood friends, and they threw away the whole campaign to remember about their K-8 days? Eather Palin and the other guy who looks like John MCain with more hair would go for president, or Ron Paul would be America's 44th president. Who is Ron Paul? I think he's a figment of our imagination. They just put his name on their lawns just to make you think," Wait! There's another guy out there! Forget the bald guy and the dude with purple lips! I'm voting for Ron Paul!"

Or he's a comedian, who pretended to do a debate, and everybodies in love with him.
" Yeah, and what's the deal Senator Palin? Darn right! You betcha! If I were president, I'd make a new law: no down to the earth politician! Their all trying to relate to public, going,' I is that nextest president of than Unified States of Amareeka!' Like we all are speaking with bad grammar!'I'd learn you than constituioned, if I wered presidential mans.'"

And some guy in the audience is going," He's got a point. I'm sticking his name on my lawn."

One more idea. There's just this guy who's sitting at home, freaking out, going," Why the heck is my name on a buch a people's lawn? I don't want to be president? I'm a plumber!"

hayden said...

Let's face it... summer's over. We're done. You guys are gone.

I first came to the conclusion that you guys didn't like the blog anymore. But then I thought, DUDE, GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF! Who DOESN'T like the blog? This place is FREAKISH awesome!!!!!!!!! Come on.

So then I came to another conclusion. New blog. NEW BLOG. See how it rolls off the tongue? I thought so too. You love the idea. You LOVE it. And, it's coming. Soon.

Summer Blog

Summer breeze
summer blog
I'll sing to you
my summer blog

Read a script
A summer blog
It's quite long
It's just a blog

From my heart
a comment long
but not at all
my summer blog

My summer blog
is something special
a poem, a song
to my heart belong

Summer breeze
summer blog
I'll sing to you
my summer blog

Thank you very much, you've been a good crowd. Good night!


Anonymous said...

RIP, Summer Blog, no one knew your worth.

*runs over to new blog*

Blog the Third said...

My friends,

I thank you for blogging on me. You have given me something to strive for, something to get up for every morning and feel the brush of words across my surface. I am no longer the flourishing page I used to be, but, I had my time, and now is my time to go.

Don't feel sorrow, or pain. I was in good hands, and Hayden is the best blog owner a blog could have. Friendly, comforting, loving, funny, oh, my goodness, FUNNY. And you, you little life blossoms, you were such great friends to a space of cyberspace like me. But I'm at least 154 comments old. I've been around since June 19th. If you can let go, so can I. If you and I can move on swiftly, my passing will be much easier.

I am leaving you in the care of my good friend Blog the Third, who looks to be the best blog yet. I must say, I am a bit jealous Mr. Third. Your senses of humor are so much grader than before. If I may be so bold, Spring Break Blog had a slightly boring existence.

But, no matter. So, thank you so much. I am ready to leave. Thank you for such a wonderful time. I am ready to go to the big Hard Drive in the Sky. Farewell.

Summer Blog

hayden said...

I love you summer blog. Goodbye.

hayden said...

I've felt compelled write a song for me and my summer blog.

Tale as old as time
True as it can be
Barely even friends
Then somebody creates
A brand new blog
Just a little change
Small to say the least
Both a little scared
Neither one prepared
Hayden and the Blog

Ever just the same
Ever a surprise
Ever as before
Ever just as sure
As the sun will rise

Tale as old as time
Tune as old as song
Bittersweet and strange
Finding you can change
Learning you were wrong
Certain as the sun
Setting in the east
Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Hayden and the Blog

Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Hayden and the Blog

Blog the Third said...

Thank you... Hayden.. Remember me... in the summer years... and always know... that I love you... Goodbye...

hayden said...

For everything there is a season,
and a time for every matter under heaven:
A time to be born and a time to die;
A time to plant and a time to pluck up what is planted;
A time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to seek, and a time to lose;
A time to keep, and a time to cast away;
A time for war, and a time for peace.

Please be seated.

We gather here today to give thanks for the life of Summer Blog, who shared their page with us and died on October 19th, at an age of 4 1/2 months.
It is in their memory that we gather and for their life that we are thankful.

There is much to remember and much to be thankful for as we remember Summer Blog and the way he shared his life with those around him. Each of us gives gifts of ourselves to those we share life with. These are gifts that no one can take away. Though we are gone, these gifts remain with those to whom we have given them.

Remember the sneak peek at Breaking Dawn? Or, Allie, remember the silly fight between you and Gitanjali over Batman and Hellboy? Or the Amazing reading lists? Or the script of Twilight: The Movie: In 3D: In IMAX? Remember the jokes, the stories, the laughs, the adventures?

Summer Blog gave gifts of himself to us which have become a part of us, and cannot be taken away. We give thanks for his life, and for the ways he shared it with us.

I would like to share with you some readings which come from different sources, but all of which deal with the human wrestling we each must do with the fact that, for us and for those whom we love, life has a both a beginning and an end.

From the writing of William Penn, the founder of Penn's Woods, or Pennsylvania. Penn writes about the death of a friend of his:
"They that love beyond the world cannot be separated by it.
Death cannot kill what never dies.
Nor can spirits ever be divided that love and live in the same
divine principle: the root and record of their friendship.
If absence be not death, neither is theirs."

From Delila, "Each day we die a little more."

So it is that we gather to commemorate the passing of one who was with us and is no more. We keep in our minds and hearts those memories and that love we knew because Summer Blog shared his life with us; and we commit his
spirit into the keeping of Duncan Book Blogs.

Stand and sing with me.

I've heard it said
That people come into our lives for a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led
To those who help us most to grow
If we let them
And we help them in return
Well, I don't know if I believe that's true
But I know I'm who I am today
Because I knew you...

Like a comet pulled from orbit
As it passes a sun
Like a stream that meets a boulder
Halfway through the wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because blogged
I have been changed for good

It well may be
That we will never meet again
Well, that's for sure
So let me say before we part
So much of me
Is made of what I learned from you
You'll be with me
Like a handprint on my heart
And now whatever way our stories end
I know you have re-written mine
By being my blog...

Like a ship blown from its mooring
By a wind off the sea
Like a seed dropped by a skybird
In a distant wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I blogged
Because I blogged
I have been changed for good

And just to clear the air
I ask forgiveness
For the things I've done you blame me for
But then, I guess we know
There's blame to share
And none of it seems to matter 'cause you're dead

Like a comet pulled from orbit
As it passes a sun
Like a stream that meets a boulder
Halfway through the wood
Like a ship blown from its mooring
By a wind off the sea
Like a seed dropped by a bird in the wood

Who can say if I've been
Changed for the better?
I do believe I have been
Changed for the better

And because I blogged...

Because I blogged...

Because I blogged...
I have been changed for good...

Thank you for coming. This is the last post to be made on this site, so do not post anymore. Remember Summer Blog, for ever. Goodbye.