To my Independent Radical Readers from Room 700...
Your only homework over Spring Break is to READ! Blog and tell me what you are reading & how you like it. Is it worth the honorable "Book Restriction?" Remember our class goals- make or cross the line on the Pink Chart!
One book down...6 to go?
Dragon Heir by Cinda Chima 497 pages
I finished Dragon Heir today; what an amazing story! I loved it, from start to finish. I emailed Ms. Chima to tell her that she's an incredible writer. On a scale of 1-10, Dragon Heir is an 11. Yes, it's that good. Soooo, if you haven't read the first two books, what are you waiting for?
Next up: The Revenge of the Shadow King: Grey Griffins Book I by Derek Benz and J.S. Lewis
373 pages
Totally Cool News!
Today I heard from 2 authors! Both are sending books for us to read. One of the authors, P.J. Haarsma, has an interactive website that corresponds with his books. He wants to come to our school and talk to us! You can check out his website, but you can't succeed in the game until you read the book [Cool, huh?] I'll have them when we get back to school on March 31st.
I also talked with Jon Lewis, author of The Grey Griffin series. He is sending us books, and he is also willing to come and see us. I just started Book 1 [see blog above] and it's great so far!
Not like Hayden I'm not going to brag, but I am the first to blog! I am reading Specials (Almost finished)It's a fantastic series.
Mrs. Duncan I was wondering when were back can I borrow City Of Bones? It's a book I've been wanting to read.
Mrs. Duncan when I read the part about Zane its sooooo sad! So I read the rest of Specials last night it was so good.
I just finished the Shadow Thieves by Anne Ursu. It is a great book with Greek mythology and modern stuff in it. Odd sometimes, but great. I am planning to start the Siren Song which will probably be great too!
Have a good break!
Mrs. Duncan, today I went to Borders and got City Of Bones! I still have to read Extras and the Night tourist.... but after that all start reading it so I won't need a copy.
Syd- you are a READING MACHINE! You go girl! I'm glad you got City of Bones.. it's so good! You have a lot of great books to read! Let me know what you think of Extras. I have City of Ashes waiting for you as well.
Goldie Girl, you finished Shadow Thieves; good for you! I loved it too, and Siren Song is even better. Blog again after you read so we can talk plot.
I just finished Revenge of the Shadow King by Derek Benz and J.S. Lewis. It was GREAT! It felt like so many of my favorite books all together in one story! It was an action-packed thriller with fantastic characters and engaging plot. I am just starting Book 2 The Rise of the Black Wolf.
Keep reading! ;-) Mrs. D.
I just finished reading Uglies yesterday. It's amayzing and leaves you hanging. So, today I went to Barnes and Noble and bought the next two books in the seiries. Now I'm readin Pretties and can't wait to finish it so I can read Spiecials and Extras.
I finished peter and the Shadow Thieves about a week ago. It was great! i love the part when Peter, Molly, and George were helping with the return.
After that, I went to the library to order Peter and the Secret of Rundoon. I was the 6th person on hold. So I got Perfect Girl by Mary Hogan. It was only about 200 pages.it was about a girl who fell in love with the nerd boy next door who she has known all of his life. Her aunt the new York Goddess of Love helps her. In the end she doesn't love him anymore.
I returned that.
Then I got Shug by Jenny Han but when I got home I saw that page 6 to 23 were missing.
So I went back the next day and got Flipped by Wendelin Van Draanen. I have only read the fist chapter. I think it is about 300 or 250 pages. I hope I can finish it before school starts.
Courtney and Quincey-
GREAT JOB! Courtney- you will love the Uglies series. I have all of the books at school, so you can check them out if you need to. What do you think the theme for the sereis is [or just for Uglies]?
Quincey, I have 2 copies of the 3rd Peter & the Starcatchers book in my room. You can have one on Monday! It's better than the first two... I love the inside information on the legend of Pan.. it's cool!
I am almost finished with Rise of the Black Wolf by Benz and Lewis. It is a great read... I can't wait for one of you to try the series.
3 more days! Must read, must shop, must sleep in one more day! xoxo
Thanks Mrs. Duncan!
I'm about half way through my book and actually it is only 212 pages. It is about a girl and a boy. Each chapter it switches off who's point off views it is. They meet in second grade when Bryce and his family move in across the street from Juiliana. When Juiliana first meets Bryce she thinks he is so cute and falls in LOVE!<3
When Bryce meets Juiliana, he thinks the exact oppisite. He thinks she is annoying and obnoxios.
It is a great book. I can't wait to finish.
I have't gotten to read a lot during the break and i am very mad at myself. But one good thing about this was that I at least finished the book that I started. I finally finished City of Bones and Ihad know idea about the ending. Delila already told me the ending but it was still sooooooooooooo surprising. I stayed at my cousins for a whole week and I forgot to bring my book so that was pretty bad. I read a little bit during the first week but I really didn't get into the book. It was good but it was like a roller coaster ride for me. I hope that it will be a little better than the first one. To be honest I was a little disapointed 'cause I heard that it was extereamly exciting. I won't say that it was bad I just thought that it would be alot better.
P.S. I don't blog a lot because I only do it when i finish a book.
I Finished Pretties. I liked the first one better but this one was still very intresting and exciting. The one thing I didn't like about this book is the way Tally got David to leave her with Zane when the Speicials were coming. It made me mad because I like David better tha Zane. Now on to Specials.
hey Courtney I didn't know you were reading the Uglies series!! I finished Extras a little bit ago..... and then I read the Night Tourist in 1 day! I LOVED THE NIGHT TOURIST I really didn't know how it was going to end.Now, I'm reading City Of Bones.
Hey people!!! Chloe here. I just finished The sea of monsters and now I'm on to Extras. I read about five pages today in class and I'm already hooked. By the way, if you love Twilight then don't read whatever is written after this. So, my grandma's friend started to read Twilight and I asked her what she thought of it. And you know what she said? No, you don't because I haven't' told you yet. But, she said no because she just flat out didn't like it. I know that everybody has different taste in books, but I have never ever ever met someone that didn't like Twilight if they've read it!!!!!!!!!
Chloe,that was probably because shes like 91 or something! I'm reading City Of Bones.It is so interesting!!!!! How Clary sees people that nobody else sees!!! CREEPY!!!! So interesting.... I wonder what I should read after City Of Ashes???!!!! Any suggestions??? I was thinking Peeps by Scott Westerfeld. It sounds good.
Hi Everyone!
This is PJ Haarsma. I received the photo of everyone holding up The Softwire books. What a great shot! Thank you so much. I can't wait to hear what you think about my series.
Feel free to send me an email, either through the site or through the game. I love answering questions about the characters or if you need any help on the Ring of Orbis. I'll check back in later and see how things are going.
Thanks again,
WOW- thanks P.J. for blogging on our site! All 10 copies of book 1 are being read as we speak. The kids can't wait to check out the website! I didn't even get a copy to read! lol.
Bloggers, Check out the link above! Delila emailed me with a sequel that she wants [I want it too!] and I blogged on the author's journal. She responded right away! Check it out to see how supportive these wonderful authors have been to us and to our program.
TOTALLY COOL! xoxo Mrs. D.
Dear Mr Haarsma,
I'm about halfway through the first Softwire book and I am totally loving it. The plot is something I would have never expected. The whole softwire concept is just so amazing. I can't wait to see what happens next. You rock!!
I'm currently reading City Of Bones and Jace reminds me of Edward!!! I wonder who I would choose.... Jace or Edward.....???!! I would probably say Edward because he is so polite! Compared to Jace whose a bad boy!!! Although It's REALLY HARD TO CHOOSE!!!
Hi people,
I am reading the Siren Song (almost done) right now. It is a great book! Mrs. Duncan, you're right, there is a great encounter with Poseidon. I think I want to read Nobody's Princess next, I think it's called? The one with Aphrodite?
See ya!
Now I'm reading the fifth Harry Potter book and I only have 100 pages left and I can't wait to get to the ending and start on the sixth book. Ami told me that the seventh is the best, so I'll just have to find out!
Hay janelle Im going to start on the book The Dark Angel by Meridith Ann Pierce for the book group assinment.
HI PEOPLE! Chloe here. Oh My Gursh, this team project that Katie and I are doing is going to be so much fun. Anyway, right now I'm reading The Misadventures of Benjamin Bartholomew Piff, and it's about this kid who's parents died last year in a plane crash and now he's living at the most rotten orphanage. Also, there's this Wish Factory that grants peoples wishes. But they have to do the wish just right or else it won't come true.You know the basic rules for a wish, you have to keep your eyes closed, second of all, you have to blow the candles out with one breath, and last but not least you have to never, ever, ever tell your wish to anyone. I just started it today and I love it. Well, I practically love every book I read so that's not saying much but you get the point.
The Silver Kiss is a amazing book. I only have a few pages left. It is very short book, but is a Awesome read!!!
-Delila Out
Delila, I bet you really love that book
OMG! I love my new book I'm reading
I just finished The Silver Kiss. It was a very good book but the ending was kind of sad, but overall it was a very interesting and a great short read .
- Delila
p.s. Sydney after you finish The Dark Angel you should definitely read The Silver Kiss. I think you would enjoy it a lot!
Me(Sydney), Delila, and Bryanna finished The Dark Angel. It was really good! Although there is no ending, because you have to read the second book to understand what happen to the dark angel and Aerial.Aerial loves the dark angel and know there is something inside of him that's good. When we were tabbing we found MANY similes and Metaphors. We are going to hopefuly read the whole series.
sorry, I didn't read your blog, though I'd love to read the silver kiss. Tell me what it is about!
The Dark Angel was a awesome book. It was a big twist on a vampire story. I am starting the next book today. Well about The Silver kiss Sydney, It is a short vampire love story that is really good. The ending as I said was a little sad, but I think you will like it.
- Delila out
What a great book! Have any of u read The Floating Island? Well if you haven't u should!
What a great book! Have any of u read The Floating Island? Well if you haven't u should!
OMG! I am so glad that we are doing this team time project. National Velvet (in my opinion) has a great plot in the story. I can't wait for the actual project to start. I feel like screaming right now, but then my mom would freak then give me the stink eye. I better stop telling you this or I'll get in deep detail.
Sup! I finally finished The Night Tourist!!! I'm so happy, because since it's not a big book, I felt really slow...but now I'm done!!It was one of the best books I've ever read!!! Now I'm gonna read the 3rd book of the Magyk series and i can't wait!!
c u l8r!
;-) lol
Sup! I was just searching the blog, and I saw the PJ Haarsma blogged on the site!!! That is so awesome!!! The game seems really fun, and I'm tempted to read the series, but before I do, I was wondering, is the Softwire series for boys? Or girls too, because it sounds REALLY COOL.
I don't know how he does it!!! Rick Riordan is just amazing at what he does. Well I guess that's why writes for his career. I am reading one of his books right now as you might have figured out already with me raving about him, but anyway I'm reading
The Titan's Curse (the third perseus and the olympians series if you didn't know, you probably do, but if you didn't I .... I......I... Blaaagh!!!!!!Whatever now you know). Sorry about that I get kind of weird sometimes, maybe that's why my dad calls me a weirdo sometimes............"silence". Anyway, but I serioualy love this book it has amazing details put together so, so, so, so perfectly well-planned.I've only read it for two nights and I've all ready read 100 pages!!! BTW that is good for me, Sydney don't reply to that. THAT'S ALL FOLKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I still don't know how he does it! It's like he is writing fantastic for his life or something. I just love The Titan's Curse I think it's the best of them all so far. I stil need to read the fourth one.
I'm reading my book like crazy now because Hayden today at Academy Voices rehearsal had The Battle of the Labyrinth in his hands while I had The Titan's Curse in mine, and guess what he did, he laughed and "ha-ha-had" me!!!! Seriously, boys can be so rude sometimes!! I am going to try and read a lot tonight! I can do it! But, what if I can't, what if just can't do it. Hey, girls sometimes get described as hungry, cranky and tired. Only sometimes though.
P.S. I have three sentences for Hanna squared, Oxy Clean!! Buy it!!!! It really works!!!!!
P.S.S. I'm going to have Delila's personality for the next minute or two. Chloe out!!!
Well, you'll be happy to know, Chloe, that I finished The Battle of the Labyrinth on Saturday morning, and after that I immersed myself in Calvin & Hobbes books. I also read one Far Side book. So Chloe, I have three sentences for you: Hah-hah! Hah-hah! Hah-hah! Hah-hah!
Hi people,
I am reading The Battle of the Labyrinth right now and it is FABULOUS! Actually, the whole series is marvelous, but still..... I can't keep away from it! Rick Riordan is an amazing author. I don't know how he does it! On a scale of 1 to 10, his books are a 100. Everybody HAS to read them (no pressure or anything).
See ya!
P.S. Is Rick Riordan going to write any more?
P.P.S. I can't wait until the second Night Tourist book comes out.
I started The Host two days ago and I absolutely love it! I've read the first four chapters. I have heard that it's kind of boring in the first ten chapters but that is so not true!!!!!!!! I think. BTW, thank you Hayden for finishing that book. YOU REALLY HELPED ME OUT!!!!!!!!!!! And Hayden if you're trying to be funny then it's working, you said you only had three sentences for me, but you have four. So that makes me feel so much better because I feel like I'm worth four sentences now not three. Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, you might have ruined the chance that I'm going to read The Battle of the Labryinth!!! Just kidding, I think what if I just don't want to read that book. Cristina, what if I just don't, you say no pressure, but you mean a ton of pressure. I thought you were my friend (sniffle sniffle). Why? Why? Why did my ladybug have to run away? Why did a bird have to eat it? And don't you say "It's just a ladybug" Hayden. He was my friend. My best friend!!!!! (sob, sniffle, sob, sniffle, sob, sniffle, sniffle).
I started The Host two days ago and I absolutely love it! I've read the first four chapters. I have heard that it's kind of boring in the first ten chapters but that is so not true!!!!!!!! I think. BTW, thank you Hayden for finishing that book. YOU REALLY HELPED ME OUT!!!!!!!!!!! And Hayden if you're trying to be funny then it's working, you said you only had three sentences for me, but you have four. So that makes me feel so much better because I feel like I'm worth four sentences now not three. Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, you might have ruined the chance that I'm going to read The Battle of the Labryinth!!! Just kidding, I think what if I just don't want to read that book. Cristina, what if I just don't, you say no pressure, but you mean a ton of pressure. I thought you were my friend (sniffle sniffle). Why? Why? Why did my ladybug have to run away? Why did a bird have to eat it? And don't you say "It's just a ladybug" Hayden. He was my friend. My best friend!!!!! (sob, sniffle, sob, sniffle, sob, sniffle, sniffle).
Sorry my blog got put on two times.
I finished Pretties on Friday!
I LoVeD!!! it!
I was suprised that Shay(la) was a Special. I didn't think she would be... (or even Tally...wa)
I can't wait to read Specials!!!
I think Claire is going to let me borrow hers.. but idk.
I don't know what I'm going to read after Specials and Extras but I will know soon enough!!!
When is our class(homeroom or literacy) going to go to Seussical???
I might watch it with you... or you can tell me how AMAZING!!! the lights were!!!
jk... but seriously :) :) :) :)lol
Right now I am reading The Kingdom Keepers by Ridley Pearson, and it is rreeeeaaalllllyyy good! He has done a great job! The book is amazing and leaves you hanging, guessing, and wanting more. I recommend it to everyone!!
See ya
hey I'm reading the Vampire Kisses series (really good!) I read the first book in a day and now I'm reading the second book I just started reading it today and
I'm almost finished... I think I'm going to re read Twilight over the summer I have like, a ga zillion books I want to read right now and I can't wait to do pages & Pj's I'm so ready for my next top ten list!It's to bad you can't take an Ar test on City Of Ashes yet I'll take one tommorow for Kissing Coffins
I'm reading Specials. I haven't really gotten into yet, but I'm only on page 75. They chase was exciting.... but I CAN'T believe she is SPECIAL!!!
And she is happy... it is so sad!
I wanted her to stay pretty or a Smoky... anything but SPECIAL!!!
hey, I'm reading I'd tell you I love you but then I'd have to kill you after that book I'm going to finish up the vampire kisses series
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